Updated 12/4/2017
*You can also access all of the numerically indexed documents in Google Drive by clicking here.
Watch this 15 minute video to get an overview of Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) You can also find this video on ACEs Connection: https://pacesconnection.crowdstack.io/...med-care-tic-15-mins
Section Index
- General
- Child Welfare
- Criminal Justice
- Domestic Violence
- Homelessness
- Intergenerational Trauma
- Mental Health
- Peer Support
- Sexual Assault Programs
- Youth
- Training Resources
- Online/On-demand Training Resources
1. General
01.1 Agency Environmental Components for Trauma Informed Care - Organizational Assessment - Checklist. Trauma Informed Oregon.
01.2 Implementing Trauma-Informed Approaches in Access to Recovery Programs - A 12-page brief introducing the basics of trauma-informed care in a agency setting. Mentions working with different client groups. SAMHSA. (2011).
01.3 Chapter: How-To Manual for Creating Organizational Change - This chapter (p50) and the document in-full looks valuable for any agency to view. Video 13 min. (From the Trauma-Informed Organizational Toolkit, Dept of Health & Human Services-Homelessness) (2009).
01.4 Applied Integral Methodological Pluralism: Designing Comprehensive Social Services Program Evaluation -This article proposes and describes an Integral program evaluation approach including the way in which an Integral understanding of ACE and resilience research informs programming. Service Outcomes Action Research (SOAR) is set forth as a current evaluation approach that can be enhanced through Integral Perspectivism. Integral methodological Pluralism is discussed as a way to augment SOAR, consistent with evaluation of an Integrally-informed organization. Larkin, et al. (ca 2010).
01.5 Creating a Culture of Care: A Toolkit for Creating a Trauma-Informed Environment - The findings of the STARS project are applicable to all human service settings, and this toolkit was developed broadly for this purpose. Texas Department of State Health Services. (2011).
01.6 Creating Cultures of Trauma-Informed Care (CCTIC): A Self-Assessment and Planning Protocol - Fallot & Harris. (2009).
01.7 Creating Trauma-Informed Child-Serving Systems - The first issue of the series describes why creating trauma-informed child-serving systems is necessary and suggests specific competencies that systems can adopt to work effectively with traumatized children and their families. . National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN). (2007).
Developing a Trauma Informed Agency - Overview with resources on how to create trauma-informed system organizational change. Alameda County Trauma Informed Care. (2013). (website)
Developing Trauma-Informed Services for Families Experiencing Homelessness. An Interactive Training Video and Guide - Good document specific to homelessness but a template for other agencies. (2008). (website)
01.8 'The Last Frontier' Practice Guidelines for Treatment of Complex Trauma & Trauma Informed Care & Service Delivery - Adults Surviving Child Abuse (ASCA)/Australia. (2012).
Dr. Sandra Bloom on the Sanctuary Model - Video (2010) You can also find this video on ACEs Connection: https://pacesconnection.crowdstack.io/...chool-of-social-work
- What is the Sanctuary Model? (website)
2. Child Welfare
02.1 Creating Trauma-Informed Care Environments: Organizational Self-Assessment for Trauma-Informed Care Practices in Youth Residential Settings - Hummer & Dollard. (2010). University of South Florida: College of Behavioral and Community Sciences.
02.2 Creating Trauma-Informed Child Welfare Systems: A Guide For Administrators - Chadwick Center for Children & Families. (June 2012).
02.3 NE Convening on Trauma-Informed Safety Planning with Families of Children Ages 0-5 - This article discusses
the convening of the six New England States to discuss the integration of trauma-informed practices across agencies serving children ages 0-5 and their families. The development of State road maps to identify opportunities for integration by State teams is described, as well as general themes of the convening and next steps. Common Ground. (July 2012).
02.4 Trauma–Informed Organizational Self-Assessment for Child Abuse Prevention Agencies - Compiled by the Wisconsin Children's Trust Fund. (2012).
3. Criminal Justice
03.1 Judges and Child Trauma: Findings from the NCTSN/National Council of Juvenile & Family Court Judges Focus Groups - This Brief reports the results of focus groups conducted with members of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ). The Network conducted the focus groups in order to understand how knowledgeable juvenile and family court judges are about child trauma and to identify ways to work with NCJFCJ to promote education on the issue. National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN). (2008).
03.2 Creating a Trauma-Informed Law Enforcement System - This Brief describes how partnerships developed by Network members and police agencies are helping to create a trauma-informed law enforcement system. National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN). (2008).
Creating trauma-informed correctional care: a balance of goals and environment - European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 2012. (article on website)
4. Domestic Violence
04.1 Creating Accessible, Culturally Relevant, Domestic Violence- and Trauma-Informed Agencies: A Self-Reflection Tool - This tool is designed to guide agencies through a self-reflective process on what it might look like to be doing accessible, culturally relevant, and trauma informed (ACDVTI) work in seven different key areas, and to identify strategies for getting there. This tool was developed by the Accessing Safety and Recovery Initiative (ASRI), OVW Ending Violence Against and Abuse of Women with Disabilities Grant 2007-FW-AX-K004, which involved building collaboration among domestic violence programs, community mental health agencies, and state psychiatric hospitals. (2012).
5. Homelessness
05.1 Delivering Trauma-Informed Services - Overview, definitions, resources. National Health Care for the Homeless Council. (2010).
Developing Trauma-Informed Services for Families Experiencing Homelessness. An Interactive Training Video and Guide - Good document specific to homelessness but a template for other agencies. (2008). (website)
05.2 A Long Journey Home: A Guide for Creating Trauma-Informed Services for Mothers and Children Experiencing Homelessness - Prescott, et al. (2008) - The Long Journey Home was written as a response to some startling lessons we have learned from the field of homelessness over the last decade. It draws on guidelines from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration – who funded the Women, Co-Occurring Disorders and Violence Study to implement trauma-informed mental health, substance abuse and other support services for women (Moses, 2001; Moses, Reed, Mazelis, and D’Ambrosio, 2003). Its contents have been modified and refined to meet the needs of women who are homeless.
05.3 Shelter from the Storm: Trauma-Informed Care in Homelessness Services Settings - This paper explores the evidence base for TIC within homelessness service settings, including a review of quantitative and qualitative studies and other supporting literature. The authors clarify the definition of Trauma-Informed Care, discuss what is known about TIC based on an extensive literature review, review case examples of programs implementing TIC, and discuss implications for practice, programming, policy, and research. The Open Health Services and Policy Journal. (2010).
05.4 Working With Families Experiencing Homelessness:
Understanding Trauma and Its Impact. The National Center on Family
Homelessness (2010).
6. Intergenerational Trauma
06.1 Reclaiming Connections: Understanding Residential School Trauma Among Aboriginal People, A Resource Manual - (The Aboriginal Healing Foundation, 2005) [FYI, this document loads slowly.]
7. Mental Health
07.1 Blueprint for Action Building Trauma-Informed Mental Health Service Systems (2008)
07.2 Blueprint for Action Building Trauma-Informed Mental Health Service Systems (2004)
"...Describes current state mental health system and organizational activities contributing to the development of trauma-informed mental health systems and the implementation of emerging best practices in trauma-specific services...."
Developing Trauma Informed Systems that can Support People in the Community - PowerPoint by National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD). (Link no longer exists 11/29/17)
Dr. Sandra Bloom on the Sanctuary Model - Video (2010) You can also find this video on ACEs Connection: https://pacesconnection.crowdstack.io/...chool-of-social-work.
- What is the Sanctuary Model? (website)
07.3 Models for Developing Trauma-Informed Behavioral Health Systems and Trauma-Specific Services - (DMHS, SAMHSA, HHS, 2008) Full doc worthy.
- Children (p59)
- Parentng (p67)
- Family/Caregivers (p71)
- Children (p83)
- Peer Support (p103)
- Criteria for Building TIC System (p109)
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): Trauma & Justice (website)
8. Peer Support
08.1 Engaging Women Trauma Survivors in Peer Support: A Guidebook - NASMHPD. (2012 draft).
08.2 Tips for Incorporating Peer-to-Peer Support into Your Program - NCTSN. (2009).
9. Sexual Assault Programs
10. Youth
The Restorative Approach --A trauma-informed approach to the day-to-day, moment-to-moment work of group care for youth with emotional challenges. It answers the question, “now that I understand trauma-informed, what do I actually do on Monday.” Based on restorative justice principles, it is an alternative to point-and-level token economy systems often used in group care settings to respond to problem behavior. The book, Trauma-Informed Treatment: The Restorative Approach by Patricia Wilcox (NEARI Press), is a useful resource. (website)
11. Training Resources / Technical Assistance
BUILD Initiative - The BUILD Initiative works with early care and education leaders within states and nationally to better prepare young children to thrive and succeed. We support state leaders from both the private and public sectors as they work to set policy, offer services and advocate for children from birth to age five. With BUILD support, states also: Reform existing statewide systems; Strengthen local programs; Test new models; Pilot national projects; Strengthen their commitment to diversity, equity, and cultural and linguistic inclusion. (website)
ChildTrauma Academy - CTA is a not-for-profit organization based in Houston, Texas working to improve the lives of high-risk children through direct service, research and education. By creating biologically-informed child and family respectful practice, programs and policy, CTA seeks to help maltreated and traumatized children. A leader in child psychiatry, traumatology, and early childhood development, Dr. Bruce Perry, MD, PhD. is the senior fellow of CTA. (website)
National Center on Safe and Supportive Learning Environments - NCSSLE offers customized technical assistance, or direct assistance, and training to several stakeholders—state administrators, institutions of higher education, district/school administrators, teachers, school support staff, communities and families, and students—to improve conditions for learning. In particular, the Center can help address disruptive behaviors in school(s) such as bullying, harassment and violence, and substance use. The primary areas of support the Center provides include climate measurement and program implementation. (website)
National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) (website)
National Council for Behavioral Health Trauma-Informed Learning Communities -- More than 150 organizations have participated in four national trauma-informed care learning communities offered by the National Council since 2011. Participants have been able to create safer environments, address staff self-care, provide trauma-sensitive services, and avoid re-traumatization of those they serve. The learning communities have led them to transform organizational culture through critical policy and practice changes, implement evidence-based practices, expand consumer and peer support roles, and partner with diverse human and social services agencies to provide community-wide trauma awareness and training. Learning communities are year-long, and the deadline for application is usually at the end of January. (website)
Risking Connection -- Risking Connection (RC) is a package-ready foundational trauma training model used by organizations internationally to train their staff when implementing or sustaining trauma-informed care. It is being used by organizations with youth and adult programs that include: residential care, foster care, inpatient and outpatient mental health, group homes, therapeutic schools, day programs, early childhood, in-home services, juvenile justice, services for elderly, services for developmentally disabled. Via a train-the-trainer model, organizations gain the internal capacity to provide ongoing RC training. They join a learning community that supports long-term implementation and integration of trauma-informed care. Growing out of a consumer survivor lawsuit in Maine in the 1990s, RC has now been adopted as a mandated staff training program by over 30 organizations in the US and Canada. There are nearly 250 credentialed RC trainers at those organizations who train RC on a regular basis to implement and sustain trauma-informed care. Risking Connection was developed at the Sidran Institute; its authorized providers are the Traumatic Stress Institute and ePower & Associates. For more information, contact Steve Brown at steveb@klingberg.org or go to www.traumaticstressinstitute.org. (website)
Sanctuary Institute: Training & Consultation - "Some organizations wish to infuse components of the Sanctuary Model into their current practice in order to enhance their existing services or overlay an element of trauma-sensitivity. Practicing trauma-informed care through the Sanctuary Institute can be as expansive or as limited as you wish, as you can access whichever services most specifically meet your goals...." You can also access Sanctuary Institute publications, books, downloadable media. (website)
Sidran Traumatic Stress Institute -- A nonprofit organization that helps people understand, recover from and treat traumatic stress, dissociative disorders and co-occuring disorders. It develops and delivers educational programming, resources for treatment, support, and self-help, trauma-informed community and professional collaboration projects and publications about trauma and recovery. (website)
STTAC: Office of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention, webinars & training. (website)
Supportive School Discipline: Communities of Practice - Join an online community network to collaborate and further your school's goals or request technical assistance. (website)
The Trauma Center at JRI - This organization located in Boston, Massachusetts was founded by leading traumatologist and psychiatrist Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, MD. It offers specialty-training and consultation as well as clinical consultation. (website)
Trauma Learning Collaborative for Washington, D.C. - The goal of TLC for DC II is to enable the participating professionals and service agencies to learn, implement, and sustain the use of the Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) over time for the benefit of their clients. (Link no longer exists 12/4/17)
12. Online/On-demand Training Resources
HHS Office of Adolescent Health - Resources & Training & Collaboration Toolkit. (website)
Becoming Trauma-Informed - Excellent video PPT series with great overview, exercises, and practical how-to's for teachers. Only partial module list is available. Madison Metropolitan School District. (YouTube Video)
Academy for Professional Excellence: San Diego State University School of Social Work - Behavioral Health & Education Training Academy. Click on "Create your own account" on the left hand of the screen, and fill out all the required fields (username, password, first name, last name, e-mail). Participants may have to wait 24-48 hours for their accounts to be activated before they are able to log in and take the training. Once logged in, go to: "BHETA- Children's Mental Health Training- Introduction to Trauma Informed Care eLearning."
After completing this eLearning course you will be able to define trauma, describe the effects of trauma on the brain, explain the concept of a trauma-informed lens, list the components of trauma-informed services, differentiate between trauma-informed services and trauma-specific services, and understand how to create a trauma-informed environment.
Child Trauma Academy Free Online Resources - All of the online courses are free to all participants. Simply select the course(s) of your choice below and begin.
Creating Strength-Based and Trauma Sensitive Care - This training curriculum contains prepared presentations and accompanying reference lists for the reduction of seclusion and restraint within mental health operations. Wisconsin Association of Family & Children’s Agencies. (Link no longer exists 12/4/17) You can access Research & Resources from the WAFCA here.
Family Violence Online Tutorials Florida State University School of Social Work Institute for Family Violence Studies - Designed to reach animal abuse investigators and professionals who are in a position to identify and assist victims of domestic abuse. After completing this tutorial you will be ready and willing to identify and assist victims of domestic abuse who might otherwise go unnoticed. (website)
Ongoing Virtual Opportunities from the National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence - Scroll down (quite a bit) to "Ongoing Virtual Opportunities" (website)
Recognizing and Addressing Trauma in Infants, Young Children, and their Families - The purpose and overall goal of this tutorial is to help early childhood mental health consultants as well as Early Head Start and Head Start staff understand what is meant by trauma, recognize the developmental context of trauma in early childhood, and extend their own knowledge for intervention through consultation. Center for Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation, Georgetown University. (2010). (website)
PTSD 101 - Online courses which includee advanced courses on treatment, co-occurring problems, specific populations, and special topics. US Dept. of Veterans Affairs. (2013).
Supportive School Discipline Webinar Series - Webinars in the series are open to anyone and will explore numerous topics, including current school discipline philosophies, policies, and practices, and emerging alternatives; addressing truancy and absenteeism; infusing restorative justice principles; the role of school resource officers (SROs) in supportive school discipline; the promise of trauma-informed practices; the importance of youth, family, and community engagement; and the need for professional development across all stakeholders. National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments. (website)
THRIVE's Trauma-Informed Webinar Trainings - THRIVE webinars embody System of Care principles and are well-suited for agency orientations, group or individual viewing. Registration for each webinar is required, and will give access to the (12.1) Guide to Trauma-Informed Organizational Development and other resources. THRIVE is Maine’s graduated System of Care, and receives funding from Maine’s Department of Corrections Divison of Juvenile Services and the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
The Trauma Recovery Group: A Guide for Practitioners - with Judith Herman, et al. Online, on-demand, trauma training from the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS). Fees apply.
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