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Narcissistic abuse and Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder


Narcissistic parents cause enormous harm to their children. When grown, these victims of narcissistic abuse face seemingly insurmountable problems, including the formation of complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD).

This article shall examine narcissistic abuse, narcissistic personality disorder, and their effect on the children of narcissism.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is one of many diagnosable conditions for those who are narcissists mentioned in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual on Mental Disorders, edition five (DSM-5). The DSM-5 classifies NPD as a personality disorder and is an accurate diagnosis. Up to 6.2% of the general population have narcissistic personality disorder (Miller, Widiger, & Campbell, 2010).

People who have NPD have damaged self-esteem that is easily harmed by even small criticisms. They are continually looking to shore up their weak areas of self-opinion. To accomplish this need for self-preservation, they abuse and use other people, including, unfortunately, their own children.

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Hello Melanie, I have no right to take any issue with your thinking of this, the terms, the parents,  the Narcissistic branding, and there is no way to even try to override your opinions, they are yours and you have a right to them.  Thank you for posting

Today started the 7 day intensive with Dr Mate' and it was wonderful and insightful and many of us who were watching were also commenting how this Trauma Film today answered so many questions and allowed so many tears to flow to start the healing of Childhood Trauma.  Dr Mate' says that there is not really a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder because Trauma is never Past.  The trauma that children suffer never goes away.  We continue to work on our selves in various ways because the trauma is so ingrained in us, we do not see it most times unless it is brought to our own attention through counseling, or through the court system in many cases.

We said we can hardly wait to hear Dr Mate' tomorrow.  He has some wonderful guests on during this intensive and I have saved all their names to do extra reading and research into their work also


I've seriously been thinking about this all through yesterday, and now all through today, and I think I can articulate this a little better. As a community, I think we may want to discuss how we can reconcile using the term "narcissistic abuse" as a community whose unofficial mantra is "it's not what's wrong with you, it's what happened to you". We are also a community that strives to de-stigmatize mental illness. I don't see how identifying perpetrators of abuse by a mental illness diagnosis is consistent with that. I'd love to discuss, I'd love to learn. I certainly want information about how victims of emotional abuse (btw, is emotional abuse committed by someone with NPD fundamentally different from emotional abuse committed by someone without it?) can heal. I am a victim of emotional abuse, I get it. But this label that many communities have started using concerns me, and using it here, especially, concerns me.

At first when I saw the YouTube Videos about 5 years ago, I also asked myself what good could come out of delving so deeply into the past and trying to make sense out of it.  I started listening to Dr. Gabor Mate' at that time and his patience and knowledge drew me in to deeper study of Complex Trauma and how childhood in many areas, sets us up for illness and unhappiness in later life.  We are finding out how the Brain is affected by Trauma which may allow you to either do self study on a deeper level or search out a therapist or Doctor if you wish to go deeper with professional help

I do know many people who are like, " Oh give it a rest " or " Ancient history, lets move on " and that is every persons prerogative, but I wanted some answers to why my thinking is one way, and why my family members all suffer the same similar symptoms and how delving into it now can help my mental and physical health going forward into the future and perhaps helping the new generations in my family who are not even born yet.  My family is not interested at all in even opening up dialogue because they think that nothing about the past is healthy or even worth looking deeper into. 

I am starting a 7 day intensive today with Dr Mate and his team, and there is plenty of YouTube Free Videos that discuss Complex Trauma and PTSD . I also started daily meditation a year ago and Meditation and Knowledge about Complex Trauma is very beneficial as I go forward into a healthier life. 


I completely don't understand aspects of the discussion surrounding NPD and "narcissistic abuse" that have flooded the abuse world in the last few years. What's the end game in terms of primary prevention? Tattooing a big scarlet N on them and telling people to avoid relationships with them at all costs? Are narcissistic parents resistant to interventions like Maternal Home Visiting services? Is the emotional abuse narcissistic parents levy on their children fundamentally different than the emotional abuse other parents without that diagnosis levy on their children?  And I don't know the answers to most of those same questions when it comes to DV/ IPV.

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