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NCTSN June 2021 Spotlight []



LGBTQ+ youth experience trauma at significantly higher rates than their straight and cisgender peers. Some of the most prevalent traumatic events they experience are parental rejection, intimate partner violence, bullying, sexual assault, and physical and emotional abuse. The effects of untreated and unrecognized trauma can extend far into adulthood and can negatively impact their social, emotional, and physical wellbeing. Providers can help LGBTQ+ youth thrive and heal from past trauma by providing trauma-informed care, including creating safe and affirming spaces for youth to explore their gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, and other cultural identities without fear of judgment or harm. The NCTSN offers resources to help mental health providers, child welfare and juvenile justice professionals, healthcare providers, and school professionals provide trauma-informed care to LGBTQ+ youth who have experienced trauma.

Identifying the Intersection of Trauma and Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity,
Part I: Key Considerations
Addresses why providers should ask about sexual orientation and gender identity, identifies the intersection of trauma, sexual orientation and gender identity, and provides goals for the screener. This resource also includes what studies have revealed about LGBTQ+ youth and trauma and key implementation considerations for trauma-informed organizations and providers.


Identifying the Intersection of Trauma and Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity,
Part II: The Screener

Highlights common risk factors and the critical importance of screening for trauma exposure, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and post-traumatic stress symptoms. The screener includes questions about gender identity intended for children ages 7-18, questions about sexual orientation and behaviors intended for children ages 12-18, as well as questions for the caregivers of youth.


Affirming Care for Transgender and Gender Expansive Youth
Provides participants with a comprehensive understanding of the needs and challenges transgender and gender-expansive youth face. This webinar covers basic definitions surrounding gender, gender identity, and gender expression, while creating a learning environment for participants to examine their own perceptions of gender and reflect on the capacity of their role as a professional. Participants learn about developmental considerations, components of a social transition, and aspects of a medical transition. Presenters examine the impact of trauma transgender and gender-expansive youth may experience and how providers can build an affirming practice and environment for the youth and families that they serve.


Engaging Families in Affirming Trauma-Informed Care for LGBTQ Children and Youth
Outline techniques for engaging families in affirming treatment and care of their LGBTQ youth, including a review of techniques used within the Family Acceptance Project (FAP) with founder Caitlin Ryan. FAP is an initiative that works to prevent health and mental health risks for LGBTQ children and youth while using a research-based, culturally grounded approach to help diverse families support their LGBTQ children. Practitioners will examine ways to engage in cultural humility and understanding when engaging families and youth in trauma treatment.


Trauma-Focused CBT for LGBTQ Youth
Discusses how professionals can recognize qualities of a safe, affirming environment where staff can explore personal views and values, and articulate professional responsibilities. Presenters will share the experiences of LGBTQ youth in out-of-home care settings and respectful and supportive ways to interact with LGBTQ youth and their caregivers. Finally, presenters explain the application of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for complex trauma and how to tailor it for LGBTQ youth.


Safe Places, Safe Spaces: Creating Welcoming and Inclusive Environments for Traumatized LGBTQ Youth Video
Introduces the viewer to the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) youth who have experienced trauma. This video discusses how to create welcoming and inclusive environments for youth who have experienced trauma and identify as LGBTQ. It may be used in conjunction with the discussion guide as a training tool or in supervision with staff.


Safe Places, Safe Spaces: Creating Welcoming and Inclusive Environments for Traumatized LGBTQ Youth Video Resource Guide
Offers guidance on how to use the Safe Places, Safe Spaces video. This guide has information on how providers can use the video to promote awareness, inclusive environments, and cultural sensitivity to those working with LGBTQ youth.


Helping a Transgender Youth Find Safety and Belonging
Outlines how during the pandemic, young people have faced increased isolation and disconnection. This webinar features Aiden, a transgender youth dealing with discrimination, ridicule, and exile from his peers, community, and family, being isolated at home for months has become almost unbearable. In this session, Aiden talks with a therapist for the first time, desperate to find connection and hope for a more inclusive future.


Enhancing Resilience in Military LGBTQ Youth: Tips for Parents and Caregivers
Offers information to parents and caregivers on how to help military children and adolescents who identify as LGBTQ deal with the many challenges they face. This tip sheet describes common thoughts or situations LGBTQ youth may have and how parents and caregivers may help.



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