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One in five young people has suffered online abuse, study finds []



Cyberbullying is a worse problem among teenagers than drug abuse, according to almost half of all young people surveyed in a new study that finds one in five has experienced online abuse.

In the global YouGov survey of more than 4,700 teenagers from across the world, a fifth of those who had experienced cyberbullying said it had made them consider suicide, and more than half said being taunted online was worse than being bullied in person.

A quarter of those bullied closed down social media accounts and more than a fifth skipped school, the survey commissioned by Vodafone found. Of those who were bullied, almost 40% did not tell their parents, citing feelings of shame or fear.

Researchers spoke to 13- to 18-year-olds from the UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, New Zealand, Greece, South Africa, US, Ireland and the Czech Republic.


[For more of this story, written by Jessica Elgot, go to]


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