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Oprah makes surprise appearance in South Jersey town, praises police department []

A small South Jersey town's annual reunion had it all. A centenarian celebrated her 100th birthday, a historic postmark was unveiled, gospel music choirs performed -- and Oprah Winfrey was there to see it.

Winfrey's longtime partner, author and podcaster Stedman Graham, is a native of Whitesboro, an unincorporated community within Middle Township. Graham is also the executive director and a founder of the community organization Concerned Citizens of Whitesboro. 

According to social media posts about the event, the media mogul had no plans to give a speech, but following a talk by Middle Township Police Chief Christopher Leusner about the department's focus on intervention and education, she was inspired to take the stage and share her thoughts on the connection between adverse childhood experiences and crime.


Read the entire article by Gianluca D'Elia from September 3, 2018, here:

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From the article: 

"There would be no taking the knee, no protests about police departments in America, if all the police departments took on the idea of addressing what happened to you as a child," she (Oprah) said. "I want to applaud you for having the insight, the wisdom and the vision to ask the question, and treating young children like human beings."

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