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Parent's Nightmare: Bath Time Images Lead to Abuse Charges - Arizona

"It was a nightmare. It was unbelievable. Reporter: For four years it's been like a bad dream for lisa and anthony demaree.

"After the couple left digitally photos to be developed at the walmart developer. The worker believed they were pornographic and reported the parents to the peoria police. One of the photos is three of the girls laying down on a towel with the arms around each other....

"Authorities need to prove some sort of sexual intent, and once a judge reviewed the situation, once a psychological evaluation took place, I think everyone agreed there was no sexual intent. Reporter: For one year, lisa was suspended from her teaching job. The couple sued walmart.

"But phoenix judge sided with walmart. But now the demarees are taking their case to a higher court, the family lawyer telling abc news, walmart was negligent given untrained clerks tremendous power over the lives of their customers. What you consider to be the most beautiful, innocent pictures of your children, can be perceived as something very perverted."


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