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Part III: Trauma Training Should Be Mandatory for Yoga Teachers

"Here is Part III, as promised, covering Steps 4-6: Language of Choice, Language of Fear, and Careful With That Agni Sara!...

"Here's an example that will blow your mind. The other day I was in a class comprised entirely of survivors of violent crime and sexually-violent crime. The teacher knew that going in. I'd been assured the teacher had experience working with victims of sexual assault -- so good,Β  but also that she had not had trauma-sensitive yoga training. She did indeed start with the "It's okay to modify" and "honor your body" talk. Then, during a pose in which we were all flat on our backs with our knees in the air and feet on the ground (aka, the missionary position) I looked up to see her standing over me. She paused a second then said, "Can you move your legs father apart?"...

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