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Patrick Kennedy breaks the silence []



The following is a script from "Patrick Kennedy" which aired on October 4, 2015. Lesley Stahl is the correspondent. Rich Bonin, producer.

The youngest child of Senator Ted Kennedy, Patrick Kennedy was supposed to be the heir apparent to a political dynasty. But after his father died, Patrick resigned from Congress and is now leading a political movement to change the way people view and talk about mental illness and addiction, that he himself suffers from. He says they're medical issues, not moral issues or character flaws. And he wants them treated with the same urgency we treat cancer and heart disease.

Now nearly five years sober, he has written a memoir, "A Common Struggle," in which he traces not only his struggles but those of his famous father and mother, revealing details about them that not everyone in the family wants revealed and some may dispute. His purpose, he says, is to show that when people have these illnesses being silent about them is almost as bad as the disease.


Patrick Kennedy: It's a conspiracy of silence, not only for the person who is suffering, but for everyone else who's forced to interact with that person. That's why they call this a family disease.


[For more of this story, written by Lesley Stahl, go to]


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This is a powerful video that identifies just how difficult it is to share our truth! We really need to question the value of keeping family secrets. We now know the terrible cost of adverse childhood experiences on our children.The ACE's study has opened a door that will not be closed.  I recently wrote a post that many read but no one commented on and it made me realize that talking about domestic violence in the home is as off-limits and socially and culturally prohibited, as is talking about alcoholism and mental illness in the home. Patrick Kennedy expressed something in this interview that really resounds with me - "We are infected by the pathology of silence and that is sickening to your soul." If you have not read my recent blog or if you have read it and have not shared your experience please reconsider, our silence allows for the cycle of violence to keep infecting our society, our community, and our world.

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