For nearly a year now, the media has been fascinated by Donald Trump's every utterance, the more sexual and outrageous the better. Did he really talk about his schlong?
Did he really say "blood coming out of her whatever?" Did he really say John McCain wasn't much of a war hero because he was captured? Well, yes, yes, and yes.
Will he really be the GOP nominee for president? Absolutely, comrades. When it comes to a Trump presidency, there is a hell of a lot to be concerned about.
But one of the biggest and so far too-overlooked ones is what the Trump campaign is doing to our nation's children. Richard Cole is one of the grand wise men of this state: a fixer who was Gov. Jim Blanchard's chief of staff, worked with Mike Duggan at the Detroit Medical Center, and was a senior executive at Blue Cross Blue Shield.
Not to speak of a host of other jobs, including stints as a professor at Michigan State and Ferris. Cole directed me last week toward a stunning new study by Morris Dees' Southern Poverty Law Center, which has been crusading against hate and racism for many years. They surveyed schoolchildren β and found those from immigrant or minority backgrounds are terrified about what President Trump might do to them.
[For more of this story, written by Jack Lessenberry, go to]
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