In the last two posts, we have examined together some of the types of psychotherapy and the therapeutic alliance. In this piece, we shall explore what to and not expect in psychotherapy, and how to find the help you need.
Important Qualities of a Great Therapist
Just as there are many different types of therapists with many varying qualifications, finding one that meets your needs may take time and be frustrating. However, if you understand the qualities that make a great therapist you stand a better chance of lowering the probability of not forming a good therapeutic alliance.
(I covered therapeutic alliance in another blog post.)
In this section, you will find a partial list of the qualities of a great therapist.
The Therapist is Willing to be Validating. Validation doesn’t just mean the therapist accepts and acknowledges your emotions and feelings, but that they believe in your ability to grow, and change. This perspective is vital, as you may lack the ability to believe these things about yourself.
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