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Q&A: California’s first-ever surgeon general on her plans to tackle toxic stress in children []


Gov. Gavin Newsom made it clear throughout his campaign that improving the health and welfare of California’s children and young families would be among his signature issues.

To underscore his commitment in the days after he took office, Newsom named Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, a pediatrician who specializes in the impacts of trauma and toxic stress on the health of children, as the state’s first-ever surgeon general.

The 44-year-old Burke Harris was born in Canada and lived in Jamaica when she was a toddler, but spent most of her childhood in Palo Alto. In 2005, after earning her bachelor’s degree at Berkeley and her medical degree from UC Davis, she founded a clinic that serves children in the low-income neighborhoods of Bay View-Hunters Point in southeast San Francisco.

[For more on this story by DAVID WASHBURN, go to]

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@debbie adams

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Please take me off of your e-mail list..Thank you.

On Thursday, March 28, 2019, 7:16:38 AM EDT, ACEsConnection <> wrote:

Post By Alicia Doktor (ACEs Connection Staff): Q&A: California’s first-ever surgeon general o...
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| Title: Q&A: California’s first-ever surgeon general on her plans to tackle toxic stress in children [] By: Alicia Doktor (ACEs Connection Staff) | |

Gov. Gavin Newsom made it clear throughout his campaign that improving the health and welfare of California’s children and young families would be among his signature issues.

To underscore his commitment in the days after he took office, Newsom named Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, a pediatrician who specializes in the impacts of trauma and toxic stress on the health of children, as the state’s first-ever surgeon general.

The 44-year-old Burke Harris was born in Canada and lived in Jamaica when she was a toddler, but spent most of her childhood in Palo Alto. In 2005, after earning her bachelor’s degree at Berkeley and her medical degree from UC Davis, she founded a clinic that serves children in the low-income neighborhoods of Bay View-Hunters Point in southeast San Francisco.

[For more on this story by DAVID WASHBURN, go to]
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