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Research-Based Trauma-Skilled Schools Model Jointly Released by Two National Organizations []


In response to an alarming rise in the number of students who have experienced trauma and mental health issues and who do not succeed in school, the National Dropout Prevention Center (NDPC) and the Successful Practices Network (SPN) announce the release of the Trauma-Skilled Schools Model.

The Trauma-Skilled Schools Model was developed to address two serious challenges faced by our nation's schools: The growing negative impact of childhood trauma and the absence of clear and doable action steps to address it. "When it comes to students who've experienced childhood trauma, schools have a real solutions gap," said Dr. Sandy Addis, Director of the National Dropout Prevention Center. "That's why we combined the resources of two national nonprofit organizations to study this issue and to generate a solution."

High numbers of students, possibly more than half, have experienced one or more childhood traumas that sometimes distort mindsets and negatively impact behavior and learning. Educators do not know about most of the traumas and are not expected to be mental health professionals. They must, however, deal with trauma's influence to achieve acceptable school behavior, teach effectively, and help students graduate. Recent research suggests strong links between childhood trauma, school violence, truancy, low grades, and dropping out.

[For more on this story, go to]

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