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Resilience Champion Certificate: From AHA! to Action!


Do you remember the moment that ACEs Science clicked for you? Was it at a training? In a conversation with a peer or friend? Did you read an article?

Each one of us has had the Aha! moment: we became aware, started shifting towards understanding and away from judgment. This approach to our fellow humans, the one that not only improves longevity but also the quality of life, is an unraveling of traumatized responses at the individual, relational, and systemic levels. That can be overwhelming and seem insurmountable. 

I think that my unraveling happened, and continues to happen, in phases. The Aha! was by a chance encounter with a career counselor but my growth continues because I surround myself with others who are on a similar journey. While our professional or personal lives may not match up, the underlying belief systems do. (Shout out to for providing this online space for us to connect!)


Relationships are the foundation but they are not enough. Throughout the course, you will develop your own content relevant to your personal and professional setting as well as interventions and resources that can be applied in everyday life.

Origins Training will be offering a 6-week online course for like-minded Resilience Champions starting January 29th, 2018. A PROMO Code is available for $50 off registration until Dec. 31, 2017 and special rates are available for groups of 3 or more.


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