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Free Webinar - Risking Connection: Advancing Trauma-Informed Care and Racial Trauma Healing


Join us on December 5, 2024 from 2-3 p.m.

For nearly 25 years, Risking Connection has been at the forefront of the trauma-informed care movement. Over the past decade, the Risking Connection foundational trauma training has evolved into the Risking Connection Change Model, a multi-stage intervention that supports  trauma-informed, organizational culture change. In recent years, our hearts and minds have grown to embrace a more socially just view of the world. Now, we are pleased to announce the Risking Connection Change Model advances the beliefs that racism and trauma are inseparable and that healing racial trauma is an integral part of being trauma-informed.

While we know that discussing racism is uncomfortable, it is also essential. The new Risking Connection includes content about the impact of race-based historical trauma and the many visible and invisible ways racism is experienced by staff and clients in human service agencies. The response in our Risking Connection community has been overwhelmingly positive....CLICK HERE to read more and register for a free webinar.

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Dr. Ken Hardy, the renowned African-America speaker and writer, talks of constantly being asked by white people, "Why does everything always have to be about race? Why are you always bringing up race?" His answer is, "I always talk about race, because you don't."  Similarly, relatively few trainings about trauma include discussion of the trauma of racism. The Risking Connection foundational trauma training, used for 25 years to train tens of thousands of professional has worked hard  to address that gap in its recent revision. Come to the webinar on December 5th, 2-3pm EST to learn more about it.

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