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Science can explain how childhood affects later life - Wisconsin

"So what factors make the difference between the abused and the abusers? The clients are aware of the harm being done. They are seeking safety and insights, wanting to work toward positive solutions and help themselves to a better life.

"Many abusers, conversely, believe that the power and control they wield are serving them well and that they are entitled to dominate the people closest to them. Thus it is uncommon for abusers to decide on their own to seek help or become non-abusive. However, those convicted of crimes related to domestic violence may be court-ordered to a batterer’s treatment program, and sexual offenders usually must participate in treatment as part of their sentence....

"Starting at the beginning by recognizing and responding to the needs of our children for attachment, nurture and relationships will result not only in less abuse, but also greater emotional and physical health in our culture as a whole...."

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  • WausauDailyHeraldWISC

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