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Southern states top list of worst states for kids during the pandemic, Save the Children finds []


By Audrey McNamara, CBS News, March 2, 2021

A new report from Save the Children found that Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas and New Mexico ranked as the worst states for children during the COVID-19 pandemic. Louisiana and Mississippi consistently placed in the bottom 10 of states for the last five months of 2020.

Save the Children ranked states based on data gathered by the U.S. Census Bureau's bi-weekly Household Pulse Survey. The resulting report, "Childhood in the Time of COVID," analyzed the social and economic effects of COVID-19, including how racial and income inequality impact families differently within each state. The report focuses on "three hardships that are making it more difficult for children to reach their full potential: hunger, lack of tools for remote learning and trouble making ends meet."

Minnesota, New Hampshire, Utah and Washington consistently ranked among the 10 best states for families β€” defined as households with children under age 18.

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