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Starting New Trauma Division of American Counseling Association


The American Counseling Association (ACA) is the flagship for Professional Counselors across the United States.  A handful of dedicated members are preparing an application for Organizational Affiliate (OA) -- the stepping stone organization to full Division -- in ACA focused exclusively on counseling for traumatic stress, resilience, and post-traumatic growth.  

Why this?  Great question!  Because trauma counseling differs sufficiently from the broader field of mental health counseling to require its own knowledge base, techniques, and competencies.  Trauma counseling like the "intensive care" of mental health care, and differs in scope, complexity, and intensity.  It takes a special kind of professional to be able to do this work and maintain sufficient self-care to avoid burnout.  

Why now?  Excellent question.  While we have been pursuing unofficial work in traumatology within ACA since the mid-1990s, it's now time to have a professional home for those who work exclusively, or almost exclusively in the challenging field of traumatic stress and therapy.  Climate change, COVID-19, racism, inequities, injustice, xenophobia, natural, and human-made disasters, and personal tragedies are driving a rise in traumatic stress that seems (to me anyway) unprecedented. 

Through research and learning, we have the tools to address traumatic stress effectively and compassionately.  The new OA will develop quickly into a full division with membership beyond the United States (and beyond the profession of Counseling).  We seek a global scope because wisdom is not limited to America and there is much to learn and much to share, and many ways to support one another across our common bonds of human kindness. 

Initially, we need current members of the American Counseling Association to join the forming Organizational Affiliate.  As soon as we have been approved by ACA's Board of Governors, we will open membership to non-ACA members.  There are many voices with considerable value to add to  our understanding of trauma and transforming trauma. We seek many professional and personal voices for the work of an association -- training, standards, conferences, a peer-reviewed journal, resources, political advocacy for public policy change, and the camaraderie and connection that comes with finding one's professional home.

Name:  International Association of Resilience and Trauma Counseling

If you are an ACA member now, please consider completing this 1-question survey with your ACA member number to signify your willingness to join the new Organizational Affiliate (looking for about 300 signatures).  When we reach 400 signatures, we will be qualified to apply for full Division status with the American Counseling Association.  

Here's the survey link:

If you are NOT an ACA member now, and want to become one, here is where you go to join (student-members of ACA count!):

If you have questions or ideas, don't hesitate to reach out to me, Carol Smith.  I would be delighted to talk with you. 

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Hello, Trauma Competency Advocates,

My dissertation research seeks the expertise of trauma specialists in identifying updates to CACREP's trauma-related curricula standards. This Delphi study could influence the level of trauma competency for future counselors. Participants will join a panel of experts and go through three online surveys over the next couple of months.  

Participants must be licensed practitioners from any mental health field practicing evidence-based trauma counseling.  In addition to clinical experience, experts must meet two other criteria: publication/presentation experience, teaching experience, familiarity with CACREP standards, active membership with a trauma association, certification, or a minimum of 5 years of clinical experience.  The initial survey will take between 15-30 minutes to complete.

To participate in this study as an expert panelist, please follow this survey link:  The online survey includes an informed consent form, a demographic form, directions, and the first-round open-ended questionnaire. The survey will close on June 25th after 30 experts complete the first round. 

Please contact me for the full invitation or for any questions related to the study at

Thank you so much for considering!

Kindly, Rachel

Rachel A. Kerrigan, MA, LPC, LMHC, CCTP
Ph.D. Candidate in Counselor Education and Supervision at Regent University
Licensed Professional Counselor
+250 726454539
Kigali, Rwanda

Hi Michael and anyone else who would like to become a member of the International Association for Resilience and Trauma Counseling, here is the SurveyMonkey survey link:

The link opens to a description of and rationale for the proposed association.  We submitted our application for Organizational Affiliate status to the American Counseling Association (ACA) on Monday, November 16, 2020, and we continue to gather names to update our application when ACA's Governing Council decides to consider our application.

If you have any questions, concerns, ideas, dreams, etc., please don't hesitate to email me directly at  I hope this helps.


Peggy, you are so kind to give this posting a heart.  Everyone, this ACA initiative wouldn't have come to fruition without Peggy's vision and dedication.  She is an amazing professor, supervisor, and clinician in trauma-informed counseling, especially with children in the foster care system.  Her organizational skills and strategic acumen are unparalleled.  She is encyclopedic in her familiarity with the trauma literature.  Peggy, you are wonderful!  Thank you!  -- Carol 

@Michael McCarthy -- You ROCK!  Many thanks for taking all those steps and for signing the survey!  We need trauma-informed counselors to respond to all of the things you mentioned -- COVID-19, racism, inequities in justice, suicidality in our dear teens, and so on.  There is much to do and much to learn.  If you want to become more involved in the formation of IARTC, let me know.  We are looking for people to build membership, and inform our already ambitious strategic plan.  You can reach me directly at  I'm delighted that you took the steps needed to sign the survey.  Go team!  -- Carol 

I just joined the ACA to strengthen their numbers since our state was going to limit counselors' scope of practice in the middle of several pandemics- COVID-19, racism, teen suicide, greater demand for mental healthcare and environmental disasters. I'm so new, I had to contact them to get my membership number to sign the survey. I have signed it. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

Last edited by Michael McCarthy

Thanks for the heart, Karen!  This is my first ever post to ACES Connection, although I've been subscribed for some time now.  I'm so grateful for this community, and for all the amazing initiatives that are happening nationwide to address trauma.  While we have a lot of work to do, it is encouraging and inspiring to see the creativity and positive energy so abundantly evident in this community.  -- Carol 

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