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Sundays make a difference for low-income San Jose parents and kids []


On a Sunday that took its sweet time warming up, Ariana Velasquez sat down in a bustling school cafeteria to write thank-you letters to a few people who are rich, not so rich or maybe not even close to rich. To the Mexican immigrant with three kids in local schools, they're just people who care.

"I don't know who they are, just their names," Velasquez said at Santee Elementary in East San Jose. Lifting an ink pen, she put her words to paper in Spanish. "I just think a personal letter says it so much better than email." Every weekend for a few years now, Velasquez and her kids have attended workshops run by Sunday Friends, a nonprofit that uses a self-help approach to get low-income parents involved in the education of their children.

[For more of this story, written by Joe Rodriguez, go to]

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