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The Bridge reaches out to troubled families - Chicago, Illinois

"...Therapist Danielle Novello said the teen is an example of a child who overcomes ACEs — the acronym the organization uses in its Traumatic Stress Program. It stands for Adverse Childhood Experiences, which include the loss of a parent because of separation or divorce; the death of a parent; several forms of abuse; alcohol or drug use in the family; and violence....

"The Bridge is also the only Chicagoland organization to receive a federal grant designed to respond to children exposed to stress. The grant funded the Structured Psychotherapy for Adolescents Responding to Chronic Stress, or SPARCS, program.

Teens in the Traumatic Stress Program attend SPARCS, where they learn about coping skills, communication and relationships with their peers....",0,6025983.story


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  • ChicagoTribune

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