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The Healing Place Podcast Episode 49: Bob Lancer


Welcome to The Healing Place Podcast! I'm your host, Teri Wellbrock. You can listen in on iTunes, Blubrry or directly on my website at Or check it out on YouTube (see link below).

I was thrilled to engage in an insightful conversation with Bob Lancer regarding his seminar and coaching work related to and Please join us as we discuss his role in:

* changing minds
* working with teachers to help liberate children's true selves
* his work with adults recovering from abusive relationships
* 7 mindsets demonstrated by the happiest and most successful people on earth

As shared by Bob:

"Bob Lancer has been a parent educator and coach, as well as a professional development trainer for teachers, for over 3 decades. His work includes helping individuals recognize and recover from trauma patterns received in early childhood that keep them locked into self-defeating reaction patterns and intense emotional suffering. He works in association with 7Mindsets (see, a leading edge company that delivers the only Mindsets based Social Emotional Learning programs in schools. For more information about Bob's work, and to schedule a complimentary coaching session with him, visit"

You can reach out to Bob at his website - be sure to mention this podcast for a free PDF of his upcoming book: "The 7 Mindsets of Extraordinary Parenting."

Peace to you all!

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