Please join me as I dive deep with Michael Cavallaro, author, international speaker, mentor, radio talk show host, and founding director of Living Concepts, LLC, discussing:
- his Teamwork Wins non-profit
- working with people with invisible challenges
- "new children" or highly-sensitive children (indigo children)
- definition of empathic
- heart-centered living
- his WWDB AM 860 radio talk show with his wife, Adele
- resolving root problems
- his role as an international speaker
- relationship patterning
- his wife, Adele's, book Searching for Oz and their workbook and courses aimed at eliminating trauma

Welcome to The Healing Place Podcast! I am your host, Teri Wellbrock. You can listen in on Pandora, iTunes, Blubrry, Spotify, Deezer, Google Podcasts, Podbean, and more, or directly on my website at You can also watch our insightful interview on YouTube. (This episode will be available in audio format on Friday, March 27, 2020 at 7:00 PM EST, but is available immediately on YouTube in video format)
"Michael is an author, artist, mentor, and speaker who has dedicated his life to finding simple, practical tools for making permanent change. He has 40+ years of experience coaching, and has helped thousands of clients to look deeper within themselves and find answers that work for them.
As an international speaker, Michael has lectured worldwide in such places as England, New Zealand, and in the US. He facilitates teamwork seminars, couples/marriage workshops, mediation and coaching in workplace, personal development classes, as well as individual sessions. He has worked with CEO’s, VP’s, HR, managers, entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, teachers, trainers, sales professionals, parents, executives, lawyers, judges, couples and more.
Michael is the author of several books that help people in all areas of life. His first published book, “The 55 Concepts, A Guide to Conscious Living,” forms the foundation for all that followed. Its concepts, while simple, have layers of meaning that take a lifetime to digest. The book has been read and practiced by people worldwide. Other books, include “Change your Mind, Not your Child”, as well as the guidebook, “Searching for OZ – The Journey Home.”
In 2002, Michael founded “Living Concepts” (LC), a company that provides personal, written, audio instruction on human patterning, belief systems and expanded consciousness. He currently shares a library of free material on his website and produces free live videos quarterly as a contribution to humanity.
Different than a psychic or someone who channels, Michael has the self-described “clairsentient” ability to “sense and interpret the vibrational frequencies of self and others”. He feels and understands the vibrational patterning of quantum physics in regards to the human being.
Michael is a father of four, stepdad to two and Pop Pop to five grandchildren. If he is not creating mix media art, you will find him traveling with his wife, Adele, and exploring unseen worlds."

Learn more about Michael and his mission at:
Peace to you all!
Hope for Healing Newsletter: https://us18.campaign-archive....a1&id=1352bd63df
Book Launch Team:
(from Teri Wellbrock's Unicorn Shadows blog)
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