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The Holidays, Family, and Depression: A Survival Guide []


There is no good time of the year to have mild to moderate depression. Once the end of the year holiday season rolls around, it isn’t a matter of dealing with the same routine day in and day out. Now there are holiday parties to attend, relatives to see, and other expectations that are either of your own making or imposed by others. While it may not seem possible, you can survive the holidays, including time that you feel must be spent with relatives you would rather avoid. Here are some tips that will help. 

Talking Things Over With Your Therapist

Whether you are remaining near home or traveling across the country, it makes sense to have one or two extra sessions with your therapist. The goal of those sessions is to identify everything that would likely cause you distress in the weeks to come. Having the chance to talk things over ahead of time provides the opportunity to come up with coping resources that help you feel more prepared. 

[For more of this story, written by Robert Hunt, go to]

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