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The Love In The Air Is Thicker Than The Smoke


As a native Californian I knew it was important to be prepared for a natural disaster, however in my mind, I was preparing for an earthquake.  Never in a million years did I envision a fire storm, let alone multiple fire storms raging across the state and across my community all at the same time! 
Rosso Pizzaria and Wine Bar Santa Rosa

Before the Northern California fire storm our family felt well prepared for an earthquake, we had our camping gear, nonperishable goods, medications, and more staged in an easy to access location in our garage.  In the earthquake scenario in my mind, our family would gather those earthquake supplies and meet up at the predetermined destination "ready to be on our own for 3 or more days".  However, earthquake preparations were wholly inadequate for the fires we are experiencing.

No, this fire storm is unlike anything I've ever imagined or prepared for!
Home cooked meal for lunch in Marin

What we experienced late Sunday and into early Monday was a fire storm of a scale I still cannot wrap my mind around. The lucky people ran from their homes grabbing their kids, pets, maybe a few important documents and a cell phone with just the clothes they were wearing.  Locally it is estimated that fifty thousand people needed to evacuate - and yet the shelters are not full. 
Fire fighters camp Photo Rob Nelson

This shared community trauma seems to have had a unique social impact - community members are helping in every way they can - offering their homes for sanctuary, showers, rest and processing.  We are coming together to support one another in any way that we can. 
Making screens for sifting ash photo by Tami Pagliaro Hannan

Going forward I hope our community will continue to support each other and maybe, just maybe - this experience - as awful as it is - will help us coalesce and  see past our differences and unify us around our shared experiences.  

 Morning Inspiration


Images (5)
  • Rosso Pizzaria and Wine Bar Santa Rosa: Rosso Pizzaria and Wine Bar Santa Rosa
  • Fire fighters camp Photo Rob Nelson: Fire Fighters Camp photo credit Rob Nelson
  • Morning Inspiration: Morning Inspiration photo credit Joanna Aida
  • Home cooked meal for lunch in Marin: Home Cooked Lunch in Marin
  • Making screens for sifting ash photo by Tami Pagliaro Hannan: Making Screens photo credit Tami Pagliaro

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I don't know how I missed this one. Thank you for sharing your experiences. I'm so sorry for this large-scale tragedy affecting so many in the community and the entire community itself. Keep sharing, please because for those of us on the East Coast, the headlines change and we don't hear what's happening now in the coping, assessing, rebuilding and recovering and regrouping. I'm glad there's so much coming together and you are feeling the community. I'm sure you are a big part of that community others are needing and feeling. Big hugs. Cis

P.S. The images are impactful. Thank you for sharing what life is like right now. 

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