I’m thinking and walking with my black dog running beside me.
I look up at the sky, kicking the sand as I go and wonder if anyone has been here before. I’m sure they have but it’s so deserted and quiet like it always is, just me and my black dog. She likes to run and I’ve always loved the steel grey over Lake Superior in the early morning.
I lay down on my back in the soft sand, staring up at the sky and listen to the waves come in, she’s a calm sound. I can hear the dog running down the beach and through the woods behind me and the wind blowing through the trees above me. I watch the trees…. they’re mostly big old red pines with some cedar here and there. They don’t move much, not like the willow in my grandpa’s yard that I used to watch when I was a little girl.
I close my eyes and start to dream about all the places I’ve seen and all the people I’ve known. They’re in my head so fast just like the waves and the wind becoming a color…. the color of melted crayons when you first pour them together, the color of swirled chocolate and vanilla ice cream with multi-colored sprinkles.
Steel grey over Lake Superior in the early mourn; the place I go to escape from my High ACE score.
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