December 14th marks the seventh anniversary of Sandy Hook. These anniversaries come fast and furious. Name the event and the date comes to mind. Sandy Hook – 12/14, Parkland – 2/14, Columbine 4/20 are just a few of the hundreds, yes, hundreds of mass school shootings that have happened in our country. To be specific, there have been more than 230 school shootings since Columbine.
I connected with Nelba Marquez-Greene on Twitter. She is the mother of Ana Grace, who died at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Following the shooting, Nelba, who is a family therapist, reframed her unimaginable grief into a movement that promotes connectivity and acceptance. The essence of Nelba’s message is that “Love Wins” and her organization is called The Ana Grace Project https://anagraceproject.org/

Nelba and I connected over a Tweet that she posted asking those who want to work with victims of gun violence to be mindful of sensitive dates. The message caught my attention, my heart ached for her grief and wondered why she even had to state such an obvious request.
This is the Tweet:

“And be mindful of asks around sensitive times” made me think about how painful those days are year and after year. Time does not heal anything, in my experience, it actually magnifies the loss. Through the Ana Grace Project, Nelba has created a movement to promote healthy communities through the concept that:
Love wins. (It also saves lives.)
This brings us to the significance of December 13th and why that date is most important to Nelba. You see, this was the last full day that her daughter was alive. The evening of December 13, 2012, was a happy, relaxed and family filled night of play and connection. Her family was intact, her husband, son Isaiah, and daughter were together, an evening of gratitude when time stood still. Everything would change the next day.
Nelba is devoted to ensuring her son Isaiah grows up in an environment where “Love Wins,” a family motto, even beyond the unimaginable loss of Ana Grace.
“That is my job on the planet. If I do nothing else but raise a son who is able to survive this tragedy and still come out able to love and receive love from others, that will be our greatest victory,”
This year December 13th is being turned into a day of giving. The Love Wins Community Drive is a collaboration between The Ana Grace Project and Central Connecticut State University. The readers of this blog can also participate in the event by donating to this cause.

Help us turn December 13 into a day of giving!
The CCSU/Ana Grace Project is sponsoring the 2nd annual Love Wins Community Drive, with the ultimate goal being to make a difference in the lives of children, individuals, and families in our community.
Through November and early December, we are asking for donations of toys, new winter clothing, toiletries, and food. Join us at any point between 6 a.m. to noon on Friday, December 13, in front of CCSU’s Davidson Hall where donations will be collected.
This December marks the seventh anniversary of the Sandy Hook School shooting, a tragedy that we all remember. Nelba Márquez-Greene, executive director of The CCSU/Ana Grace Project and mother of one of the victims, works on our campus. Last year, many of us gathered to send the message of “Love Wins” in support of the Márquez-Greene family and in recognition of the spirit of the Ana Grace Project. Our first community drive resulted in thousands of toys, food, and new clothing items that we boxed and delivered to our community partners.
Taking our cue from Nelba and the many generous people on this campus and in the New Britain community and beyond, we know that acts of kindness greatly benefit the hearts and souls of both the receiver and the giver.
All items we collect will be donated to New Britain Youth & Family Services, New Britain schools (new hats and mittens are greatly needed), and Maria’s Place food pantry in addition to other New Britain and Greater Hartford agencies.
How can you be part of this amazing event?
- Be a Donation Organizer: If you are willing to organize a donation box at your business, employer, or group, or you are willing to contact companies, community groups, or civic organizations on behalf of the Love Wins Community Drive, please let us know. Sign up here.
- Be a Drop-off Volunteer: Help us collect donations in front of Davidson Hall. Please sign up for any hours you are available. Be sure to join us at noon in Founders Hall for a “thank you” pizza party. Sign up here.
Donate new, unwrapped toys, cold weather items, and non-perishables at CCSU on Dec. 13 from 6 a.m. to noon
GIVE! Because not everyone who loves the Marquez-Greene family and The Ana Grace Project lives locally-we have made electronic giving possible for those who cannot be with us in person. Your contribution will be earmarked for the exclusive use of The CCSU Ana Grace Project and the promotion of love winning. Give here.
The readers of this blog can contribute to this important initiative by making a charitable donation to honor the memory of Ana Grace through participating in the Love Wins Community Drive: https://ccsu.networkforgood.co...44-ana-grace-project
Please visit The Relentless School Nurse!
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