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Trauma Informed Schools Kenya

Ever heard about Trauma Informed Schools Kenya?

Well, we have been around, almost 3 years now and counting. How has the been the progress?

Almost 3 years ago I, the  Founder/Director of Trauma Informed Schools Kenya featured on PACEs Champions Corner. Interviewed by Silvia Paul.

TISK is a non profit making , non governmental organization registered and situated in Nairobi -Kenya.

Since then TISK growth has been immense, not easy but worth it. We all aware about teething problems for start ups. The sacrifices, the patience, grit, name it. Today would be glad to say there has been a great progress, thanks to the team of teachers and psychologists who have volunteered to be on board.

TISK main goal is to help schools in Kenya achieve mental health, by introducing Trauma Informed Care Practices in Education. Whereby, teachers and psychologists working with learners in basic education sector are targeted. They will be equipped with knowledge that will help them support learners who come to school traumatized, under defined roles of each. Basic Education in Kenya begins from ECDE (Early Childhood Development Education) to High/secondary schools. Both private and public sectors will benefit.

After 5 months of virtual training by TISK, a team  comprising of teachers and psychologists working with learners was selected, placed in a Google classroom where more training and resources were availed. After another 6 months, the team was able to develop a Curriculum for training schools which is under evaluation for approval by Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development(KICD) here in Kenya. Once approved and TISK having been vetted by Ministry of Education, Principal Secretary office; Basic Education, will be able to access all schools and teachers in schools.

However, teachers in the team are employed by schools, both in private and public sector, while the psychologists works with learners in different schools. The Ministry of Education in Kenya has given a mandate that schools can/should employ a counselling psychologist privately.

As the year is almost coming to an end, part of the team members have reviewed their work so far - before and after being Trauma informed. Their experiences and comments are here in:EstherVictor AgathaJoyce

TISK goal is: One School, One Teacher, One classroom, One learner; being mental health wise supported daily.

Next year, being the 4th, we look forward to more growth, progress and great impact in our schools all over Kenya.

Since we a non profit, non governmental organization, we raise funds to create impact in public schools . In Kenya, public education sector is owned by the National Government. While the need for learners' mental health support is in dire need, the govt doesn't allow any levies. For TISK to reach those learners, there's need to raise funds for maximum impact.

If willing to financially support TISK work in schools in Kenya, kindly click on the donations link below:

For more about TISK work, reach us on


X account: traumasch_kenya

Thank You.

Becky Ndung'u -Founder/Director TISK.


Images (4)
  • Esther
  • Victor
  • Agatha
  • Joyce

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Congratulations, @BeckyNdung'u on your superb success! We appreciate your update and are thrilled to hear that Silvia Paul interviewed you a few years ago.

And, very exciting, @BeckyHass with your upcoming December 3rd Global Resiliency Accelerator with Dr. Larkin. Unfortunately, I'm already committed during that timeframe.

The global connectivity shared on PACEs Connections' social networking site is uplifting, hopeful, and tremendously inspiring.

Bless everyone here with your heart-centered leadership on behalf of countless children, youth, and families in our communities. You are change agents, leading with love, and on the front line of systems-change.

Love how PACEs Connection brings together you two amazing women who share the same first name and passion for not re-traumatizing β€” in schools β€”  traumatized people. Though I know Becky Haas’ work extends deep with education and beyond and Becky Ndung’u, I imagine yours does as well.

Checking my calendar to see if I can join during my lunch break on 12.3.

Wishing you both, Dr. Larkin, your families, and all you love and serve, a wonderful day and week.

Thank you for connecting here!


Brilliant work!!!!  Thank you for sharing about your success.  I've been helping schools to use trauma informed approaches for many years.  Also, I welcome you to attend the Global Resiliency Accelerator that Dr. Warren Larkin (UK) and I have led since 2020 on Dec. 3 from 12:30-2:30 EST.  In this free session we will be talking about work to create trauma informed schools.  Here are the details and how to register.  The Global Resiliency Accelerator - December 2024 - Warren Larkin Associates

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