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Use of meds by L.A. County foster, delinquent kids prompts reform []



Los Angeles County officials are preparing to crack down on doctors who inappropriately prescribe powerful psychiatric drugs to foster youth and children in the juvenile delinquency system, according to a copy of the plans obtained by The Times.

Social workers and child welfare advocates have long alleged that the widespread use of the drugs is fueled in part by some caretakers' desire to make the children in their care more docile. On May 1, the county Department of Mental Health is scheduled to launch a program to use computer programs to identify doctors who have a pattern of overprescribing the medications or prescribing unsafe combinations of the drugs.

Once problematic doctors are identified, the department will recommend that judges no longer approve their prescriptions for youth under court supervision.


[For more of this story, written by Garrett Therolf, go to]


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  • la-me-ln-widespread-medication-use-among-la-co-001

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Now, if we could get Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa, who's audited physicians [nationally] who over-prescribe to Medicare patients, to do this on a national level, for foster and delinquent kids....., or get our U.S. Senator's to sign on with Grassley, for a bipartisan initiative to do so....... (as the NH Presidential primary and Iowa presidential Caucus seasons are starting).....

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