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Veterans Court []



Area resident Carlos Garcia is an Army veteran who served with the 47th Combat Support Hospital in Iraq, but in recent years he has exhibited a different form of bravery.

Garcia experienced a rough return to civilian life, including a stint of homelessness and a battle with substance use. But about a year ago, Garcia's perseverance paid off when he became the program coordinator for a mentoring programthat helps vets who are facing jail time focus on recovery and avoid incarceration.


This mentoring program is an important component of a successful jail diversion program known as Harris County Veterans Treatment Court. Judges Marc Carter of the 228th District Criminal Court and Mike Fields of County Court at Law No. 14 both volunteer their time to preside over the dockets for the felony and misdemeanor courts.

Of the 254 counties in Texas, only about 20 offer veterans' courts, and Harris County provides the only Veterans Treatment Court that handles both felony and misdemeanor cases, according to Bill Kelly, director of Government Affairs and Public Policy for Mental Health America of Greater Houston.


[For more of this story go to]


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