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Visual Arts Help Marginalized Youth Learn Mindfulness and Self-Compassion []


By Diana Coholic, The Conversation, January 12, 2020

How do girls feel before and after learning mindfulness? The six girls in our program, aged 11 and 12, drew pictures showing that learning and practising mindfulness helped them feel more in control and compassionate, less judgmental, happy, focused, calm and logical, especially when they make good choices.

These girls had just completed the 12-week holistic arts-based program (HAP) that we offer at Laurentian University, which teaches mindfulness-based practices and concepts using arts like painting, drawing and collage, or materials like clay and sand. We also incorporate games and and tai chi.

I developed HAP with the help of Hoi Cheu, a professor in the English department with training in film making, marital and family therapy, tai chi and mindfulness. Part of our early team were Sean Lougheed (with a graduate degree in child and youth care), Jennifer Posteraro (research co-ordinator with a graduate degree in psychology) and Julie LeBreton (social work student).

[Please click here to read more.]

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