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Webinar: Building Resilient Communities with Elaine Miller-Karas


2019 Webinar Series: Building Resilient Communities
Thursday, August 8th, 2019
10:00AM PDT | 1:00PM EDT

This webinar will explore integrating a biological based model to reduce the impacts of toxic stress for children and adults. It is a model both for prevention and to use in the aftermath of adverse event. The Community Resiliency Model has been integrated into the Social, Emotional, and Ethical (SEE) Learning Program, a curriculum for schools K-12, inspired by his Holiness the Dalai Lama. SEE Learning™ provides educators with the tools they need to foster the development of emotional, social, and ethical intelligence for students and themselves.

You will learn:

  • To identify one or more key concepts of the Community Resiliency Model
  • To identify one or more reasons why a biological model is imperative as one of the strategies to implement in our efforts to reduce the impact of ACEs
  • To identify the SEE Learning Program and its potential impact on our world community


Elaine Miller-Karas, MSW, LCSW, Executive Director and Co-founder, Trauma Resource Institute.

The Trauma Resource Institute (TRI) is creating trauma-informed and resiliency-informed individuals and communities internally, respecting the wisdom of cultural diversity. TRI’s mission is to take people from despair to hope through simple skills-based interventions based on cutting edge research about the brain; to expand access to wellness skills to enhance resiliency for our active duty service members, veterans and their families; and to expand access to biologically based treatments by training frontline service providers, community leaders and clinicians in order to build local capacity in diverse communities national and internationally. 

Elaine Miller-Karas has 30 years experience in health education, teaching, social work and advocacy. She was invited to the International Skoll World Forum in Oxford, England in 2015, 2016 and 2017.  She has presented at major conferences including the Skoll World Forum, the Transformational Resilience Coalition, the Annual Conference on Global Affairs at the University of Colorado, ISTSS and the Psychotherapy Networker.  She authored a chapter in the book, “To the Rescue: Stories of Healthcare Workers at the Scenes of Disaster” and her book “Building Trauma Resilience, the Trauma and Community Resiliency Models”, was published by Routledge in March of 2015. She has worked internationally in disaster relief efforts and worked with military and veteran populations. She is an adjunct professor at Loma Linda’s School of Social Work and Social Ecology.

Learn more:

Carey Sipp, ACEs Connection
Alison Cebulla, ACEs Connection


"I attended Trauma Resource Institute’s, Community Resiliency Model training in August of 2018. I came away from TRI with a greater sense of self-awareness, a newfound understanding of what resiliency really is, and an eagerness to begin implementing the CRM skills in my day-to-day duties. Upon my return, I am happy to say I began utilizing my newfound skills-not only in a professional capacity, but also in a personal capacity. “  -Amy Gallardo, Child Interview Specialist, Multidisciplinary Coordinator, Kids Hope, Washington 


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Jennifer Grove posted:

So, this is for Community "Leaders", then? 

As a Community "Resident", none of this looks likely to help me. And top-down community building stuff works in such a tiny percentage of the time...  

I need something I can bring to the other residents here at the Senior Apartment Complex I live in. I can see by the diseases that people have here that there is a high percentage of people with ACE's. We need permission to talk. To each other. I can give a short talk at a Community meeting and/or write up a little blurb in the Community newsletter, but I can't RUN a program. I'm in the middle of trying to kill cancer and heal my brain and internal organs and lower my cortisol levels. Running a program will not lower my cortisol levels. LOL  

Can someone maybe give people like me some kind of guidance? 



I totally hear you Jennifer. I too often feel like finding my seat at the table is difficult, if not impossible. Reflecting on all that is currently happening in your world, taking a leadership sort of role doesn't seem possible. But your thoughts reminded me of an ACEs Connection member locally, who recently met with folks living in a housing complex designed for low-income seniors. Sometimes simple conversations, sprinkled with insight and caring are enough. I often have to remind myself that good is good enough - perfection is too high a bar and prevents many of us (myself included!) from taking action.  
Recently Supporting Older Trauma Survivors was shared and it might have a nugget of meaningful information.  In California, the site might offer links to support. Often it does feel like finding a needle in a haystack in terms of finding help, that helps.  One suggestion you likely already tried might be reaching out to the local senior center to see if they offer classes and group meetings AND if they can provide such services in your building. It is a stretch, but maybe worth trying. There is really no easy fix. I wish you all the best, and I deeply appreciate your keen reminder to make sure that all members of ACEs Connection can find folks with whom they can connect. Thank you, Karen

Hi, Jennifer:  Elaine looks at anyone who's interested and wants their community to learn about this as a leader. By letting other people know about this, and how to integrate it into your community, you would be a leader.

We at ACEs Connection feel the same way. This isn't top down, this is "everyone needs to know about this, no matter where they live and what they do".

I hope you participate, and then let Elaine, Carey and Alison what worked and how to improve it.

Cheers, Jane

Jennifer Grove posted:

So, this is for Community "Leaders", then? 

As a Community "Resident", none of this looks likely to help me. And top-down community building stuff works in such a tiny percentage of the time...  

I need something I can bring to the other residents here at the Senior Apartment Complex I live in. I can see by the diseases that people have here that there is a high percentage of people with ACE's. We need permission to talk. To each other. I can give a short talk at a Community meeting and/or write up a little blurb in the Community newsletter, but I can't RUN a program. I'm in the middle of trying to kill cancer and heal my brain and internal organs and lower my cortisol levels. Running a program will not lower my cortisol levels. LOL  

Can someone maybe give people like me some kind of guidance? 



Hi Jennifer,

My condolences for your current cancer treatment--yes, that is very intense and stressful! I hope you make a full recovery. 

This webinar is free and it's a great 1-hr overview of the Community Resilience Model. Even if you're not able to run a program or transform the emotional environment of your Senior Apartment Complex, Elaine's message and work are inspiring to learn about. You can take what's useful to you and leave the rest. 

If this webinar is not for you, I hope you are able to dig into all the rich resources here on the ACEs Connection website. You can search our blog for topics that are of interest to you by clicking on the magnifying glass icon on the upper right hand of the website. 

Writing a piece for your community newsletter sounds like a great place to start. We have noticed that people love learning about ACEs so this could be a great asset to your community.

Best wishes,


So, this is for Community "Leaders", then? 

As a Community "Resident", none of this looks likely to help me. And top-down community building stuff works in such a tiny percentage of the time...  

I need something I can bring to the other residents here at the Senior Apartment Complex I live in. I can see by the diseases that people have here that there is a high percentage of people with ACE's. We need permission to talk. To each other. I can give a short talk at a Community meeting and/or write up a little blurb in the Community newsletter, but I can't RUN a program. I'm in the middle of trying to kill cancer and heal my brain and internal organs and lower my cortisol levels. Running a program will not lower my cortisol levels. LOL  

Can someone maybe give people like me some kind of guidance? 



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