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When Your Childhood PTSD Is Healed, Who Will You Be?


Hi friends, I'm super busy putting finishing touches on my new course on dating and relationships for people with Childhood PTSD, but I really wanted to keep posting every week and stay connected with you. So I wanted to share this excerpt from a video that's part of my first course (Healing Childhood PTSD), which explains how the course works. It's pretty unusual, so it's worth explaining!

The tragedy of Childhood PTSD is that its symptoms can suppress the best in us -- our joy, our kindness, our intelligence, our strength. Childhood PTSD steals from us. Its symptoms can be demeaning. It can cost us everything, but the world loses too. Because when we're held down by trauma, we can't express the unique gifts we were born to contribute for the benefit of all.

Each time just one of us is liberated from the abuse and neglect that held us back in past, there is a ripple effect. And just think what happens when this happens when millions of us recover.

That's why I made the course Healing Childhood PTSD (info at the bottom of this message). It's an unusual set of of videos where I teach you real, practical information about how to start healing, whether or not you have access to professional help. It costs less than one visit to a therapist, and gives you tools you can use for the rest of your life.


Happy New Year from me to you!

With love,

Anna (the Fairy)


Anna Runkle is a mother, writer and video producer in Berkeley, California. She is the author of the blog Crappy Childhood Fairy, which is all about Childhood PTSD.


If You'd Like More Resources...

First, be sure to follow/subscribe to this blog (you'll get an e-mail every time I post).

If you'd like to learn my basic techniques for healing the brain and emotional dysregulation associated with Childhood PTSD -- for free -- you can try them here.

If you want to go deeper into healing strategies, you can check out my online course, Healing Childhood PTSD, where I teach you the science, the symptoms and the strategies for healing dysregulation and beginning the process of healing your life..

If you would like to be first to get access to my upcoming online course, "Dating and Relationships for People with Childhood PTSD, please add your e-mail to this list here!

If you prefer videos to blog posts, be sure to find (and subscribe to!) the Crappy Childhood Fairy YouTube channel here.


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