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Why solutions journalism can help news organisations improve their reporting []


Solutions journalism is an approach to reporting that highlights answers to problems, as opposed to stories that focus on the issues themselves.

Also known as constructive journalism, this method benefits both news consumers and journalists, increasing their ability to engage audiences in their work and produce content that helps shape society's perception of the world.

Samantha McCann, curator of the Solutions Journalism Network, believes that without solutions journalism, reporters are not able to give their audience an accurate portrayal of events.

"If you are only reporting on what's broken, you are not actually giving them all the information they need to respond," she told in a recent podcast.

"[Journalists] are really helping to shape the narrative of how people view the world. And if you are not giving them that other half, you're giving them a dark picture of what is happening, which is not accurate."

[For more of this story, written by Caroline Scott, go to]

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