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January 2025

Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) and What It Means for Your Organization

Positive Childhood and Adult Experiences protect against the effects of trauma in individuals. Using trauma-informed approaches, positive experiences can also help organizations build resilience, foster connection, and thrive when faced with trauma. ACEs in Review Many of you are likely familiar with the concept of Adverse Childhood Experiences, or ACEs . These are overwhelming or traumatic experiences that occur in childhood and can profoundly shape physical health, behavior, and mental...

2025 PACEs Connection Financial Update, Member Survey, Request for Support.

Image: Source Since April, 2024, Dana Brown and I have been working as volunteers to keep your social networking site – PACEs Connection – up and running. Gratefully, your donations supported raising $14,859 to pay CrowdStack, the learning management system platform on which PACEs Connection operates, in November, 2024. We are deeply grateful that a longtime PACEs Connection member was able to direct the Langeloth Foundation to make a $10,000 tax-deductible donation toward the total. That...

What are your thoughts, hopes, and dreams about what happens next for PACEs Connection?

Your engagement, opinions, and ideas matter. We need to know what you’re thinking; whether or not you would miss PACEs Connection if it ceased to exist. We really want to know what you’d love to have happen with your social networking site if money were not, as it is presently, a day-to-day struggle. To this end, we are hoping to make PACEs Connection more of a two-way conversation between our members and the volunteers who are now working to revitalize the site. With that thought in mind,...

Free Webinar - Risking Connection: Advancing Trauma-Informed Care and Racial Trauma Healing

For nearly 25 years, Risking Connection has been at the forefront of the trauma-informed care movement. Over the past decade, the Risking Connection foundational trauma training has evolved into the Risking Connection Change Model , a multi-stage intervention that supports trauma-informed, organizational culture change. In recent years, our hearts and minds have grown to embrace a more socially just view of the world. Now, we are pleased to announce the Risking Connection Change Model...

BRAVING: 7 Elements of Trust-Building at Work

Defining trust can be tricky. We often know when it’s there, and we definitely feel its absence when it’s not. In the workplace, trust is more than just a nice-to-have—it’s the foundation for collaboration, innovation, and resilience in the face of challenges. Without trust, teams falter; with it, they thrive. Trust Supports Safety Trauma-competent spaces are safe spaces. Trust and safety work together. No trauma-informed practice can thrive without safety, and feeling safe occurs in...

What's new from Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)

*Editors note: Below, please find two new articles featured in JAMA. They are open access and fully available to the public. These will be available soon in our ever growing Resource Center. Thank you - Rafael Maravilla Food Insecurity in Pregnancy, Receipt of Food Assistance, and Perinatal Complications By Rana F. Chehab, Lisa A. Croen, Barbara A. Laraia, et al., January 23, 2025 Key Points Question Is food insecurity in pregnancy associated with perinatal complications and do these...

Mothers With MS Have Higher Incidence of Mental Illness []

By Judy George, MedPage Today, Image: screenshot from article , January 24, 2025 Mothers with multiple sclerosis (MS) had a higher risk of peripartum mental illness than comparator mothers, administrative health data from Canada showed. Incident mental illness -- most commonly, depression and anxiety -- affected 8.4% of mothers with MS prenatally and 14.2% during the first postpartum year, reported Ruth Ann Marrie, MD, PhD, of Dalhousie University in Halifax, and co-authors. The incidence of...

Amid Wildfire Trauma, L.A. County Dispatches Mental Health Workers to Evacuees []

Donny McCullough, a music producer, says it was difficult to put on a brave face for his wife and daughters while fleeing their Pasadena home the morning of Jan. 8. (Molly Castle Work/KFF Health News) By Molly Castle Work (KFF Health News), California Healthline, Image: Molly Castle Work/KFF Health News , January 21, 2025 PASADENA — As Fernando Ramirez drove to work the day after the Eaton Fire erupted, smoke darkened the sky, ash and embers rained onto his windshield, and the air smelled of...

Scientist studies the neuropsychology of happiness []

By Thomas Gull (University of Zurich), MedicalXpress, Image: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain , January 22, 2025 Children need stimulation and attention for the healthy development of their brains. Neglect can have serious consequences for children's health, as well as their ability to learn and form relationships. In 1989, the images coming out of Romanian children's homes shocked the world. They showed children in cots staring blankly, sometimes tied down, and very clearly neglected. The state of...

School-based program cuts depression and anxiety in newcomer students []

By Santiago, C.D., et al. (Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago), News Medical & Life Sciences, Image: Unsplash via Crowdstack , January 23, 2025 The first randomized control trial of the school-based intervention called Supporting Transition Resilience of Newcomer Groups (STRONG) shows significant reductions in depression, anxiety and behavior problems among refugee and immigrant students. The study, funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, was co-led by...

Let’s talk about children: How to support the psychosocial wellbeing of those who need it most []

By Marcel Marchetti (Mental Health Europe), Image: AlexLinch/iStock , January 23, 2025 Growing up in precarity is hard, especially when the adults around you face their own mental health challenges. Let’s Talk about Children is a short, evidence-based, and child-centred psychosocial intervention to break the cycle of mental health problems, particularly among children in vulnerable situations. Marcel Marchetti, from Mental Health Europe, shares how it’s working in Europe today Mental health...

Cultivating Growth: Transforming Communities Together Summit

Omni Family Institute (OFI) will be launching its first annual summit in Charlotte, North Carolina on March 5, 2025. The summit theme, “ Cultivating Growth: Transforming Communities Together " aims to engage a national audience focused on improving foster care systems. Attendees will discuss and recognize how communities are beginning to implement evidence-based practices to reduce children entering foster care by building trauma-informed resilient communities. This event is designed for...

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter January 2025

The latest Surviving Spirit Newsletter - Hope, Healing & Help for Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health is out - It can be read online via this & you can also subscribe - or this - Hi Folks, Welcome to 2025!! I hope this year is a time of peace and joy for you. January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking...

ETSU Ballad Health Strong BRAIN Institute presents Resilient Schools: Creating Trauma Informed Schools

Resilient school leaders recognize that training all school personnel maximizes opportunities for mitigating the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences while providing supports in and out of the classroom. Learn about one school district’s journey to expand trauma-informed practices and strengthen positive school cultures, while taking steps to implement restorative practices school-wide. Principals will spotlight exciting academic gains and provide examples of student and faculty...

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