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When Slavery Is Erased From Plantations []

The story of Sally Hemings—the enslaved woman who bore six of Thomas Jefferson’s children—is told from the basement of Jefferson’s mansion at his Monticello plantation in Charlottesville, Virginia. The third American president’s legacy barely touches the brick floors and plastered walls of Hemings’s windowless room, their two lives more unconnected at Monticello today than they were in 1791. At George Washington’s Mount Vernon estate, slavery is similarly separated from the nation’s founding...

Musical on trauma healing to be performed in NYC

Trauma is everywhere in art. In movies, songs, stories and novels, writers and performers create characters who go through terrible, difficult things and who then respond to the world and other people in it in all the challenging ways we know. Past trauma is a convenient shorthand to explain a character's anger, depression, addiction or bad behavior. In 2013, I was frustrated by the lack of trauma healing shown in art. Where are the songs, stories and films that show the real story, that...

Fuzzy Slippers: How Do Self-Care as a Trauma Survivor

When I recommend the need for self-care to trauma survivors, they say it can feel like a chore. Some of them even roll their eyes and tell me, “You mean you want me to take care of myself? Ugh. Who has time for that?!” It’s tempting for any person to undervalue self-care. But for trauma survivors, resistance to self-care has much deeper roots. Healing takes a focused, gentle approach. Self-Care as a Practice of Welcoming Your Needs Many trauma survivors learned to do without self-care...

What’s happening in Franklin County this Fall?

Franklin County Cares is busy around the community this Fall! The Trauma Informed Schools Program began at South Point Elementary School in Washington and Lonedell School in Lonedell this August. Trauma Care Coordinator, Emily Thoenen, will be working with both schools to provide trauma education for staff, children, and parents; and staff consultations and group therapy for students who have experienced trauma. The goal of this program is to assist children, staff, and families to develop...

The Vital Role of Colleges in Preventing ACEs

Colleges can play a vital role in ending the epidemic of childhood trauma. We are piloting our two ACEs prevention programs (one in Las, Cruces, New Mexico and one in Owensboro, Kentucky) in partnership with Eastern New Mexico University-Program of Social Work. We are often asked what a college community partnership brings to the implementation of a citywide ACEs prevention project. We would like to offer ten reasons why colleges are poised to be effective centers for the data-driven...

Wrestling Ghosts is Building a Trauma-Informed Resource List!

Hi ACEs community! The Wrestling Ghosts team is building a list of trauma-informed resources for those looking for anything from therapy, to parenting classes, to groups with like-minded people. If you are a therapist or counselor, or you know of an organization or other resource that may fit the bill, please fill out this form on the Wrestling Ghosts website. We are looking to create an extensive document that can be of help to anyone who doesn’t know where to start! This list will be...

Family Border Separation Policy Has Long-Term Effects on Child Health []

Despite a reversal of the Trump administration family separation policy, as of July 2018, more than 2000 children remain separated from their parents or legal guardians. 1 In an article published in JAMA, Howard A. Zucker, MD, JD, and Danielle Greene, DrPH, of the New York State Department of Health, suggest that child-parent separation during an already tumultuous and emotionally strenuous event may exert greater long-term physical and mental health effects on children than is currently...

MPPS Teachers undergo 'trauma-informed school' training []

Mt. Pleasant Public Schools are equipping their teachers with knowledge on how to engage students experiencing trauma. During their professional development days on Tuesday and Wednesday, the district had a presentation to become a trauma-informed school district. "We've begun a process across the district to educate our staff on how to work with students who have may have experienced or are experiencing traumatic situations," Community Education Director Kim Funnell said. [For more on this...

New early response program for family trauma in early childhood []

Early Childhood Australia (ECA) is rolling out a new program for educators — Early signals. First Responses. Funded by the NSW Domestic & Family Violence Innovation Fund the program will resource and support early childhood educators and carers to better recognise and respond to young children who have been exposed to or have experienced family violence. The focus of the Innovation Fund on long-term prevention and early intervention strategies is aimed at ensuring educators receive...

Social workers often deal with trauma. What happens when it gets to be too much? []

New Jersey's social workers help people with some of the worst situations, on some of their worst days. Maybe none more so than those in child protective services, who see families ripped apart by circumstances such as drugs and domestic violence. But what happens when it gets to be too much for the helpers? While resources exist for over-stressed and overwhelmed child protective service workers, they are not always readily available, experts say. In the best of circumstances, peer-to-peer...

We’ve come a long way in addressing student stress and trauma. I could use help, too. []

There’s an old adage, “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” But as a paraprofessional in Chicago, my cup is almost drained. Each day, I provide academic, emotional, and behavioral support for over 200 students. The amount of mental and emotional energy it takes to calm a single student down, redirect or remove them from the class, and provide appropriate consequences is overwhelming — even with experience — when there are 11 other six-year-olds in a classroom that need my help. I look forward...

The Viral Success of a Strike No One Can See []

Months ago, inmates across the U.S. began planning a strike over prison conditions, including low or nonexistent wages. To start getting the word out, they didn’t target big news organizations. Instead, organizers posted about the imminent strikes to their own social-media followers. And they contacted publications with an activist bent, like Shadowproof, a press organization focused on marginalized communities, and the San Francisco Bay View, a black-liberation newspaper. They worried,...

The Department of Justice is Totally Wrong About Supervised Injection Sites []

Some American cities have spent months or years debating whether to open supervised injection facilities for drug users, and one big national voice finally weighed in this week. Rod Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, argued in theNew York Times that supervised injection is dangerous and sites offering the service shouldn't operate in the United States. Supervised injection facilities are clinics where people can bring in drugs, such as heroin and cocaine, and use them under the...

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