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New U.S. Sexual Misconduct Rules Bolster Rights of Accused and Protect Colleges []

WASHINGTON — Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is preparing new policies on campus sexual misconduct that would bolster the rights of students accused of assault, harassment or rape, reduce liability for institutions of higher education and encourage schools to provide more support for victims. The proposed rules, obtained by The New York Times, narrow the definition of sexual harassment, holding schools accountable only for formal complaints filed through proper authorities and for conduct...

How Child Protective Services Can Skip Due Process []

On April 13, 2018, Emily Truitt, a dog groomer with a two-year old son, received a visitor at her doorstep. Responding to an accusation of neglect, an investigator with the Delaware Division of Family Services asked Truitt’s boyfriend for permission to enter their home while she was at work. This is a request millions of families receive each year, and though granting entry is not mandatory without a court order, many families — like Truitt’s — automatically comply. Shortly after the...

How Does Water Scarcity Affect Mental Health? []

A nearly two-decade drought has drained the Colorado River, leaving regulators scrambling to protect the waterway, which provides water to 40 million people across seven states. Colorado officials are treating the situation as an emergency, the Aspen Times reports . But their efforts may come too late; the Bureau of Reclamation predicts a 57 percent chance that the river's largest reservoir will be too low to give each state its agreed-upon share by 2020, according to a Colorado Public Radio...

Another Victim of the Public Education System.

Early in the morning, probably as I pass through my last rapid eye movement cycle, I often suffer paralysis dreams. Those dreams predetermine my day since after them I awaken with a very painful lower abdomen and colon spasm that may last for several hours. The nightmares that I see during this strange time in my sleep, early in the morning, are usually related to being in school. There are three types of dreams: I am either in elementary school in Russia and our teacher is insulting me in...

Supporting new families to prevent ACES

In an era in which young families often find themselves isolated and overwhelmed, an innovative new program in rural Massachusetts is offering support. It is harnessing the community and a body of volunteers to help families in whatever ways they need: not just be offering a slate of pre-dertermined services. To learn more about this program, called It Takes a Village, visit

Children care about their reputation from the age of two, study finds []

It has long been assumed that childhood is a time of innocence, free from the shackles of social conformity, where youngsters act naturally on instinct rather than by convention. But new research shows that even by the age of two years old children are already crippled by the scrutiny of others and will change their behaviour if they are being watched to boost their reputation. Scientists at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, found that by 24 months toddlers show signs of inhibition and...

How Bad Policy Ends Up on Our Sidewalks []

Whatever the Poop Patrol will be wearing as they power-wash feces off San Francisco's sidewalks, let's hope they get a great embroidered patch. Armed with steam cleaners, a crew from the city's department of public works will target downtown alleys and sidewalks for human and animal droppings starting next month, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. They'll start their vigil in the afternoon, aiming to clear deposits that appear after overnight crews have done their cleaning, but before any...

Learning from life’s tests: Fergus Falls teachers learn about ACEs []

Fergus Falls Public Schools teachers attended Adverse Child Experiences or ACEs training on Tuesday to learn about teaching children with traumatic pasts. The course was from Lakes County Service Cooperative and the conversation was led by The Rev. Tom Gonzales. Gonzales started by talking about his own history and childhood and the ACEs in his past including his parents’ divorce and why that led to some issues that teachers might see in their students. [For more on this story by Frances...

The Relentless School Nurse: Full Disclosure: I am Fearful to Welcome Another September

School is about to begin and for the first time in my 18 years as a school nurse, I am fearful to welcome another September. I work in an urban district where community gun violence is sadly commonplace, but that is not my fear. I travel throughout the city from school to school where drug dealing is an open-air exercise, but that is not my fear. Emergencies are often solitary experiences because school nurses work independently, but that is not my fear. Families facing deportation from...

The Times-Picayune spent an entire school year with a kids' football team to tell the story of childhood trauma []

In their work covering crime in New Orleans, Richard Webster and Jonathan Bullington often saw neighborhood kids who’d been witnesses, lost family members and were present at crime scenes. And they wondered — what does that do to kids? The two | Times-Picayune reporters spent one school year finding out. Their series, “ The Children of Central City ,” tells the story of a group of kids, their families and schools, but also the science behind trauma and what it means for all of them.

Three Strikes Didn’t Work. It’s Time to Pay Reparations []

I WAS RAISED IN THE SOUTH BRONX in the late 1980s and ’90s. I came of age and into my consciousness while a generation of men of color were herded into the criminal justice system under the rigid, unyielding habitual offender laws — three-strikes laws — for nonviolent drug-related offenses. As shown in decades of analyses , the legacy of that policy that swept neighborhoods and entire cities clean of young men has been families broken apart, household incomes systematically gutted and swaths...

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