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The Developing Norms for Reopening Schools After Shootings []

When students from Santa Fe High School in Santa Fe, Texas—where eight students and two teachers were killed in a mass shooting on May 18—went back to school last week, their school looked different from the last time they saw it. Metal detectors and a security vestibule made of bulletproof glass greeted them at the front doors, and every classroom now also contained a “panic button” to trigger an alarm system. Students also passed more police officers in the hallways than before. The...

Death Penalty Questions Getting More Input From Science []

The Marshall Project When 15-year-old Luis Cruz joined the Latin Kings in 1991, he was a child by almost any measure: He couldn’t legally drive, drop out of school or buy a beer. But was he still a child a few years later when — just months after he turned 18 — he murdered two people on the orders of gang leaders? Earlier this year, a federal judge in Connecticut said yes . The judge decided that a 2012 Supreme Court ruling that forbade mandatory sentences of life without parole for...

Visualizing Wellbeing: Basic Needs for Health + Safety []

To create conditions for community wellbeing we must look back – at continuing, historic influences – and forward – to the major forces that shape current and future priorities. The Visualizing Wellbeing series explores the state of wellbeing in the United States through a collection of data visualizations. Each week we will explore one vital condition that comprise our framework for community wellbeing , developed in partnership through the Well Being Legacy Initiative . Basic Needs for...

Review of Wrestling Ghosts (Documentary About Breaking the Cycle of Trauma) & Tickets

Cissy's Note: This post below with an offer for some free tickets to see Wrestling Ghosts was shared in the Parenting with ACE s community, thanks to @Charlotte Graham! However, I know many care about parents, parenting with ACEs who are on the main page so I'm sharing here as well with my review of this movie. I saw it last week and IT IS SO POWERFUL!!!! This documentary is so honest, raw, real, and powerful. It made me sad, hopeful, heartbroken, and encouraged all at the same...

9 Signs You Need Better Self-Care and May Be a Trauma Survivor

Self-care is the sum of things you do for your emotional and physical wellbeing. Getting enough sleep, brushing your teeth, and eating well are classic examples of good physical self-care. How to take good care of yourself emotionally may be harder to see from the outside. Your ability to view your inner world with compassion and curiosity is one sign. Noticing your emotions and thoughts with gentle awareness is another inward sign of emotional self-care. Knowing how to find and turn to...

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter August 2018

Healing the Heart Through the Creative Arts, Education & Advocacy Hope, Healing & Help for Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health “ Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars”. Kahlil Gibran The Surviving Spirit Newsletter August 2018 Hi folks, Hard to believe that we are at the end of August, I swear the older I get, the faster time flies by, even when I have purposely slowed down my life, at least I think I have. Oh well, as they...

Finding hope over heroin along rough road to recovery [11 Alive News, Atlanta, GA]

Allie Armbruster had a charmed childhood, but she almost lost it all to drugs, including heroin. Now 32, she's sober and studying to be a lawyer to help change the system from the inside. Her road out wasn't easy. For Allie Armbruster, 32, the road to law school was as rocky as they come. The application process alone took guts. "These are law schools, and the goal is to learn and uphold the law," she told 11Alive's Jennifer Leslie . "I've spent the last 10 years of my life breaking the law.

Yolo Crisis Nursery: The power of partnership []

Sara is a young, pregnant, single mom who didn’t know where to start. There were so many wolves at the door and she had no clue as to which one to take on first, or even if any of them could be driven away. Her toddler son had just been removed from another child-care center due to behavioral challenges. Without child care, Sara was on the brink of losing her job, which meant the family would be evicted from their apartment and forced to live on the streets. It seemed she had nowhere to...

Oklahoma City has fair share of homeless students []

A mom walked her child in to school at an Oklahoma City Public School last week and the child candidly shared that they'd slept in their car and that is why he was late. This isn't a made for television movie or something that only happens in other cities ... this really happened and happens quite often in our schools. More than 3,000 Oklahoma City Public Schools students identified as homeless last year. Homelessness causes children to be tardy, absent, hungry and suffering from anxiety and...

Free Trauma Webinar: How to Engage Parents

Virtual Webinar Date: Tuesday, August 28, 2018 Time: 1:00-2:00 pm, Eastern Standard Time Cost: Free To register, Click here today! In this webinar you will learn about: • Learn the 7-Question Motivational Phone Call Script and additional techniques such as “stick and move” and “complements” to quickly put your parents at ease and excited to attend treatment. • A free monthly article using a real case to illustrate the step-by-step process of how the FST | Family Systems Trauma Model utilizes...

Federal Dollars and Community Coalitions: A Perfect Fit in South Carolina

Amy Moseley, community coalitions manager for Children’s Trust of South Carolina, had worked with mothers and babies in maternal-infant health care and with children in foster homes, with victims of sexual assault and individuals with disabilities. She’d noted how poverty and other adversity unspools over the lifespan, how health disparities can persist through generations. Learning about adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) “was seeing the thread between all the areas I had worked in. It...

MHA Releases Back-to-School Toolkit for 2018-2019 School Year []

Alexandria, VA - In recognition of the challenges a new school year presents for children and adolescents, Mental Health America (MHA) is providing new resources on student mental health ( ), with an emphasis on web-based tools that can be easily shared across social media platforms. This year, MHA has developed tools and resources to help increase understanding of how traumatic events can trigger mental health issues and is providing materials...

Elayn Hunt inmates learn about impacts of childhood trauma, applying research to their own lives []

Ryan Crotwell's memories of growing up in French Settlement are filled with mental snapshots of abuse at the hands of his alcoholic father. First he remembers kneeling on rice. Then the whippings started — "switches, belts, whatever was within reach." Crotwell, 34, recalls acting out in school and receiving brutal punishments at home. He was institutionalized for psychiatric treatment twice before his 10th birthday and diagnosed with various psychological conditions including attention...

Creating safe environments for our children []

With school starting up this month, there is a lot of excitement (if not always enthusiasm) brewing in my house and throughout all of our neighborhoods as kids get prepared. New clothes, school supplies, sports practices, registration and finally the first day of school. All of the annual rituals. That’s what it should be about. All the fun stuff before they get back to work. Increasingly, though, our schools find themselves thinking about safety. Parents worry. Parkland, Florida, may be a...

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