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How to Talk to Kids About School Shootings

Take an age-based approach to discussing news of school shootings with kids. "School shootings" are two words no parent ever wants to hear in the same sentence. But news of these tragic events is now so familiar, the topic is unavoidable. Unlike other conversations you have with your kids about scary stuff in the news , talks about school shootings are much more emotional, for both you and your kids. Add in the facts that kids as young as 5 are practicing active-shooter drills at school, and...

The Mindful Mind

Mindfulness is based on having purpose and intention. It is an actively conscious focus on what you are feeling and creating in the present moment. When we engage in a mindful existence we are not judging ourselves for anything in our past experiences, we are not interpreting what a situation means in our lives, we are experiencing the present, emotions and all. When we practice being present in every moment, every interaction, every activity, we sub-consciously learn the art of self...

Back to the Basics of HOPE []

By Bob Sege, 3/27/23, The Week of HOPE starts today, which is why we thought it would be a great time to reintroduce the HOPE (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences) framework. A lot has happened in the past few years, but the core of HOPE has remained constant. HOPE exists because positive experiences help children grow into more resilient, healthier adults. HOPE and the HOPE framework help us better understand and support these key...

Celebration of My Business Launch | New Life After Homelessness at Connie's House

Hello, Community! I am thrilled to discover that is has only been 9 months since my last login to the community. In my last post, it had been a three year interval since my post previous to that one. The ability to be consistently active has been challenged by my recovery work, but I have been diligent in my therapy work, and am delighted to share yet another celebration of success with you today! I have relocated from Arizona to Oklahoma since my last post, and have been thrilled to...

America's 'nasty disease': At 90, civil rights icon Myrlie Evers still marches against racism (

As the 60th anniversary of Medgar Evers' assassination approaches, his widow reflects on the nation's unfinished business. (NOTE: Wednesday night I was at Pomona College in Claremont, California, for the 90th birthday celebration for Mrs. Myrlie Evers Williams, the iconic Civil Rights Leader. She is a powerhouse and I and everyone there was mesmerized by her, her elegance, her passion and her dedication. The evening was full of accolades for her. She has met many of the Presidents: Kennedy,...

California bill would require all public high schools to hand out free condoms []

Frida Diaz, 21, a member of Planned Parenthood Generation Action, restocks a condom dispenser in a restroom in the Associated Students Union building at San Diego State’s campus in Calexico in May.(Irfan Khan / Los Angeles Times) By Vanessa Arredondo, Los Angeles Times, March 22, 2023 A high school student went to a pharmacy to purchase condoms but was turned away because of his age. A student wanting to buy condoms to prevent sexually transmitted diseases was shamed at the store. Another...

Where is Trauma Informed Schools Kenya ; one year after

Its been a year since TISK idea was developed, conceived and actualized. TISK is now registered and licensed to operate in Kenya as a non-profit organization. Visit Website: Twitter: @traumasch_kenya Face Book: There has been immense progress since Dr. Marc Hauser PhD came on board as a partner through his organization Risk Eraser LLC, and as a senior consultant. He introduced free virtual training that has birthed Google...

1 side owned slaves. The other side started Black History Month. How a family heals []

By Sandhya Dirks, B.A. Parker, Dalia Mortada, and Kumari Devarajan "Those who have no record of what their forebears have accomplished lose the inspiration which comes from the teaching of biography and history." — Carter G. Woodson There are many things from childhood that Brett Woodson Bailey doesn't remember. Maybe it has to do with his cancer diagnosis at age 4, living in the hospital for almost two years, undergoing intense courses of radiation and chemotherapy. He thinks that plays a...

The Other Side of the ACEs Pyramid: A Healing Framework for Indigenous Communities []

The Indigenous Wellness Pyramid provides a scalable, positive pathway toward increased well-being in Indigenous communities, and it is the opposite side of the ACEs pyramid. The shift toward resiliency, positive pathways, health promotion, and protective factors is reflected in the seven areas of the model. By Maegan Rides At The Door and Sidney Shaw, Illustration: Screenshot from article, National Library of Medicine, February 25, 2023 Abstract For over two decades, extensive research has...

4 ways to break the cycle of intergenerational trauma []

By Jason Wu, Illustration: Celia Jacobs for The Washington Post, The Washington Post, March 23, 2023 Unresolved trauma from one generation affects the well-being of future generations. While there are many ways intergenerational trauma is passed down, it is often transmitted through the parent-child relationship . In an ideal relationship, the parent is consistently loving, attentive and responsive to the child’s needs, which helps the child feel safe and secure, knowing the parent is...

How Intergenerational Trauma Impacts Families []

By Gina Ryder and Taneasha White, Medically reviewed by Matthew Boland, Photo: Lucy Lambriex/Getty Images, Psych Central, April 15, 2022 The trauma responses you experience today can sometimes be rooted in past experiences you may not have been present for orginally. Maybe you weren’t abused growing up, but your parents or grandparents were. Maybe you didn’t face discrimination or live through a war, but your great-grandparents did. We all have different responses to stress and traumatic...

What Is Structural Violence?

In January, people across the US celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. Day to mark the achievements of the Civil Rights Movement, which spoke out against racial discrimination in the American legal system. In February, we recognized Black History Month. As we celebrate the leaps and bounds that we have made as a country against racial discrimination and other forms of structural violence, it’s important that we acknowledge the structural violence that still exists in the US. The Civil Rights...

Agency opens first trans services center in SF []

Gizelle Mattingly, a volunteer with the San Francisco Community Health Center, opened her arms in joy at the ribbon cutting for the new home of the agency's Trans Thrive program Tuesday, March 21. Photo: Jane Philomen Cleland By Matthew S. Bajko, The Bay Area Reporter, March 22, 2023 Caught in Tuesday's early morning rainstorm without an umbrella on route to attend the official opening of the first stand-alone facility dedicated exclusively to serving San Francisco's transgender and...

Expanding child labor is exactly what America’s kids don’t need []

Activists gather near the Hearthside Foods packaging facility on March 6 in Bollingbrook, Ill. (Scott Olson/Getty Images) By Helaine Olen, The Washington Post, March 22, 2023 “A self-supporting and self-respecting democracy can plead no justification for the existence of child labor,” wrote Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1937, as he sent the legislation known as the Fair Labor Standards Act to Congress. With the bill, which also established a national minimum wage, lawmakers condemned the ghastly...

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