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Thinking Developmentally: New book by Dr. Andrew Garner and Dr. Robert Saul

Review from Amazon: Childhood experiences can affect a person’s lifelong health. Thinking Developmentally presents a clinical framework for understanding the impact of toxic stress and both adverse and affiliative childhood experiences on development. It makes a compelling case that many diseases of adulthood are not adult-onset, but rather adult-manifest, based on genetic and epigenetic consequences from early childhood experiences. Garner and Saul examine the needs of children and the role...

When a cop's daughter becomes addicted to methamphetimine: A father's journey and personal paradigm shift

Drug addiction has altered the life of my beautiful daughter and the family that loves her. One who has not experienced watching a child succumb to the insidious substances such as methamphetamine and heroin would have a difficult time imagining the toll it takes on a person’s happiness and wellbeing. The impact of the trauma as a result of our family's experience continues to be prevalent in our lives; yet, one of my responses to this tragedy was to direct my energy into helping others in a...

3 Steps Toward Managing And Healing Anxiety

I've struggled with anxiety throughout my life. A difficult childhood and my highly sensitive personality meant I grew into an anxious kid—there was just too much pain and emotional overwhelm for my young brain to handle. My anxiety most often manifested as perfectionism and people pleasing, so from the outside everything seemed great. I excelled in school and I was a good kid who did as she was told. But there was a war inside me. I felt broken, unable to navigate these huge feelings of...

Wisconsin's First Lady seeks to heighten childhood trauma awareness []

On Friday, June 22, NorthLakes Community Clinic and event sponsors Minong Area Chamber of Commerce, Jack Link Aquatic & Activity Center, Northwood School and Sevenwinds Casino, welcomed to Minong the Wisconsin First Lady Tonette Walker and Carol Howard, executive director of Fostering Futures. Eighty-eight guests watched the documentary “Resilience,” which explains the science of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), or toxic stress, which has a major impact on learning in children and...

First Lady Cooper visits Durham camps that feed N.C. children's minds and bodies []

Eastway Elementary in Durham bustled with chatter Wednesday morning as children played at the East Durham Children’s Initiative (EDCI) Science Technology Engineering Arts Math (STEAM) and Literacy Camp. Campers finished their morning instruction while also preparing to welcome a special guest joining them for lunch. North Carolina First Lady Kristin Cooper visited EDCI’s STEAM and Literacy Camp during a tour of summer meal sites in Durham and Raleigh to highlight and learn from programs that...

The U.S. Targeted Breastfeeding Abroad. Here at Home, It’s Another Story. []

The Trump administration this spring tried to remove pro-breastfeeding language from a World Health Organization resolution. But here at home, breastfeeding has steadily become more accepted and accessible — culminating this year in the 49th and 50th states enacting laws to allow it in public. The World Health Organization resolution stated that breast milk is the healthiest choice for babies and encouraged countries to crack down on misleading claims from purveyors of formula. Attempts by...

The Angry Saint

One of the pages, however, prompted me to write memories of my father. I started to type out my happy memories, but they were interrupted by flashes of his outbursts. I sat there staring at the computer screen, contemplating how I am currently in the process of finishing up a book about my adverse childhood experiences, including a violent history with my dad during the first ten years of my life.

A Massive New Study Puts a Pin in One of the Oldest Myths About Mental Illness []

Among the many questions asked after every mass shooting : What, if anything, is the connection between mental illness and violence? It's a link that's reinforced regularly by the national news media: A 2016 John Hopkins University analysis found that more than a third of all news stories about mental-health conditions over the last two decades tied mental illness to violent crime. A new study published in JAMA Psychiatry dispels that relationship. Study authors Jeffrey Swanson and Charles...

A Hospital’s Human Touch: Why Taking Care In Discharging A Patient Matters []

The kidney doctor sat next to Judy Garrett’s father, looking into his face, her hand on his arm. There are things I can do for you, she told the 87-year-old man, but if I do them I’m not sure you will like me very much. The word “death” wasn’t mentioned, but the doctor’s meaning was clear: There was no hope of recovery from kidney failure. Garrett’s father listened quietly. “I want to go home,” he said. It was a turning point for the man and his family. “This doctor showed us the reality of...

Cities Planning Supervised Drug Injection Sites Fear Justice Department Reaction []

In parts of the country hit hard by addiction, some public health officials are considering running sites where people can use heroin and other illegal drugs under medical supervision. Advocates say these facilities, known as supervised injection sites, save lives that would otherwise be lost to overdoses and provide a bridge to treatment. There are at least 13 efforts underway in U.S. cities and states to start an official supervised injection site — with advocates in several cities saying...

Can Racial Bias Ever Be Removed From Criminal Justice Algorithms? []

Dozens of people packed into a Philadelphia courtroom on June 6th to voice their objections to a proposed criminal justice algorithm . The algorithm, developed by the Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing, was conceived of as a way to reduce incarceration by predicting the risk that a person would pose a threat to public safety and helping to divert those who are at low risk to alternatives to incarceration. But many of the speakers worried the tool would instead increase racial disparities...

‘I Want Her Back’: Some Migrant Families Reunite, But Other Parents Grow Desperate []

The Trump administration said Thursday that it had complied with a judge’s order and reunited all of the eligible children under the age of 5 that it had in custody with their migrant parents. But Nazario Jacinto-Carrillo’s desperate voice and haunting questions, repeated over and over on a phone line from Guatemala, made clear that the crisis over child separations remained far from resolved. “When are they going to give them back?” Mr. Jacinto-Carrillo asked of the thousands of children...

Study reveals opioid patients face multiple barriers to treatment []

In areas of the country disproportionately affected by the opioid crisis, treatment programs are less likely to accept patients paying through insurance of any type or accept pregnant women, a new Vanderbilt study found. While the opioid crisis has escalated across the U.S., there has been growing concern that treatment capacity has not kept pace. In 2016, more than 42,000 Americans died of an opioid-related overdose, more than any year on record. Opioid agonist therapies, like buprenorphine...

Public Safety Harmed in Reality By Excessively Targeting Youth of Color []

The W. Haywood Burns Institute (BI) strongly rejects the disturbing and dangerous new policy direction of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) that insinuates that public safety is threatened by efforts to reduce racial and ethnic disparities (RED). This misunderstanding of the purpose and outcome of RED work is the culmination of months of changes at OJJDP that unmask this administration’s egregious disregard of the gravity and pervasiveness of RED and the...

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