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Rape Victim Advocates Get a Role Alongside the Police []

This is the third in a series on reducing sexual assault. Last month in New York City, five leaders of organizations that seek to combat sexual assault gathered in a conference room in the headquarters of the New York Police Department. For three days, they read through rape case files from the Special Victims Division. Then they discussed what they saw with the division’s top officials. It is unusual, to say the least, for police investigators to let advocacy groups that often criticize...

We Need to Help Immigrant Youth, Not Scapegoat Them []

“ Animals .” “ Menace .” “ Blood-stained killing fields .” These are all terms President Donald Trump used in a one-week period to describe undocumented immigrants, alleged members of MS-13 and the purported harm they are causing our country. The White House doubled down on these assertions by releasing an official statement titled, “What You Need to Know About the Violent Animals of MS-13.” Others in the administration have echoed these statements, including Thomas Homan, the acting U.S.

The Relentless School Nurse: Dr. Beth Jameson Challenges School Nurses to be #ResourceSponges

Beth Jameson, Ph.D., RN, NJ-CSN is a Nurse Scientist with a newly minted Ph.D. from Rutgers University. I was fortunate to meet Beth when she was in the midst of her dissertation research, which included interviewing school nurses about job satisfaction. I will never forget our intense and honest discussion when I shared my frustration with feeling like a “caged bird” at school. In fact, it was so eye-opening that I wrote a blog post called “The Tale of the Caged Bird.” Beth and I bonded...

Healthy Relationships Matter More than We Think

We know that good relationships are so important to our happiness, yet we may not know just how vital they are to our health and well-being. What do our connections to others give us? And what happens when we don’t have them? The Vital Benefits of Good Relationships Research shows that good relationships help people live longer, deal with stress better, have healthier habits, and have stronger resistance to colds. In a 2010 review of 148 studies, researchers found that social relationships...

Webinar: How to Streamline ACEs Screening Using CHADIS

The idea of adding an adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) screening tool to your practice’s workflow can be daunting – which tool, will you have time, does it add enough value? The Child Health and Development Interactive System (CHADIS) is helping to address this challenge by partnering with the National Pediatric Practice Community on ACEs (NPPC) to add an ACEs questionnaire into its system. Join this webinar to learn more about how this collaboration can help support your efforts to...

Hospitalized and Heading Toward Homelessness []

This story has a mostly happy ending. However, it did not begin that way. It is a personal story, which begins with the police knocking on my door in Cary, North Carolina late one night in February 2017. I was sleeping and it was around 2 am, but the police forced me to go to a Crisis and Assessment Center in Raleigh, NC. I questioned why this was happening but the police said they did not know, and that “they were just doing their job.” While I was at UNC WakeBrook, I asked to see the...

Renters Get One Step Closer to Homeownership With This Innovative Program []

In Cincinnati, a unique housing option is allowing low-income renters to participate in the management and upkeep of their homes as a way to earn dividends they can cash in later. Margery Spinney and Carol Smith founded Renting Partnerships in 2013 to help organize affordable housing communities for those with few choices. “There’s never going to be enough government funding to provide affordable housing for everybody,” Spinney says. “We are not replacing homeownership and we’re not going to...

Network of California districts to explore the enigma of engaging parents []

California plans to spend $13.3 million over six years to identify and replicate successful ingredients of community engagement, an essential but, for many school districts, elusive part of local control — the shorthand for setting budgeting and academic priorities under the state’s school financing law. The new money — included in the 2018-19 budget — will fund a network that eventually will reach as many as 80 districts. The funding represents the first substantial state effort to...

SAMHSA Forum - Moving From Trauma Understanding to Trauma Responsive - Learning from the Johnson City, Tennessee System of Care

In October of 2017, Dr. Andi Clements and I applied to receive Technical Assistance from SAMHA’s National Center for Trauma Informed Care (NCTIC) requesting to host a webinar during in 2018 of all the cities who are creating a community-wide Trauma-Informed System of Care. Much to our surprise, the response we received from Dr. Joan Gillece, Executive Director of NCTIC was that Johnson City had emerged as a leader in this work. She explained, “In 2014, the Substance Abuse Mental Health...

When it comes to childhood trauma, we all live in Santa Fe.

It was a very gratifying week, being told that our Santa Fe community forum “The Preventable Death of Anna, Age Eight,” focused on the need to design Child Welfare 2.0, was filled to capacity. It says something very good about a city when an event on childhood trauma gets booked up. To meet the interest, another workshop has been added. More will be sponsored across New Mexico to enlist people in our social moonshot and create Child Welfare 2.0. Our challenges in New Mexico are not unlike...

Trial by Fire: MARC Sites Collaborate on Trauma-Informed Disaster Response

By @Anndee Hochman During a December 2017 convening in Philadelphia, several leaders from Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities (MARC) realized they had more in common than a passion for building resilience in their communities. They all hailed from places that had recently been scorched or flooded by natural disasters: wildfires in California and the Columbia River Gorge, hurricanes in Florida, the lingering residue of 2012’s post-tropical cyclone Sandy in the Northeast.

Coalition for Juvenile Justice, National Juvenile Justice Network Recognize 5 People []

Both the Coalition for Juvenile Justice and National Juvenile Justice Network are recognizing the people who achieved the most in the past year. The CJJ gives its awards to inspiring individuals who honor its core mission to improve the lives of children, families and communities nationwide. They will be presented this week in Washington, DC, at its annual conference. This year’s Spirit of Youth Award goes to Amanda Clifford of California. It’s given to celebrate young adults under 28 who...

Poor People United and Protesting, Across the Nation []

For 43 days in 1968, Washington’s National Mall was transformed into a protestor’s shantytown . Approximately 3,000 people moved into tents and makeshift structures lining the grass between the Lincoln Memorial and the Capitol to create Resurrection City. Activists camped to advocate for better wages, better social services, and affordable housing for the poor. The thousands of protestors were part of a new group called the Poor People’s Campaign, a coalition organized by Reverend Martin...

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