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Community Colleges Are No Match for American Poverty []

Russell Lowery-Hart spent a Texas winter weekend sleeping outside, even when a light rain fell and it grew so cold that he forced muddy shoes into his sleeping bag to warm his feet. By day, the 48-year-old became increasingly sunburned crisscrossing the streets of Waco, applying for fast-food jobs and searching for soup kitchens. He arrived at one charity at noon to find that lunch ended at 11:30; luckily, a homeless woman shared her cinnamon bread with him. He was unshowered and unshaven,...

The Tech That’s Changing How Cities Help the Homeless []

Every day, a team of community health paramedics in Austin, Texas, fans out across the city to provide aid to the growing number of people on the streets. Finding the homeless isn’t always easy—Austin’s annual homeless census found that at any given time, more than 2,500 people are unsheltered; in a year, that number exceeds 7,000—and those are just the most obvious, countable cases. Harder still is finding their papers. “It’s a great anomaly to find someone who has all their identity...

Amid Flurry of Immigration Scandals, Activists Stay Focused on the Trump Administration's Separation of Families []

Faced with overlapping controversies over its treatment of undocumented children, the Trump administration attempted this week to walk back previous statements that it had lost track of hundreds of undocumented children formerly in its care. Immigrant rights advocates disagreed about whether the administration should more closely monitor those children's whereabouts—but they were all unified in their outrage regarding the administration's ongoing separation of hundreds of migrant children...

Restorative Justice Could Be the Key to Preventing Violence in Schools []

A student throws a chair at a teacher. A typical chain of events follows this incident: The student is removed from the classroom—perhaps sent to the principal's office or escorted by safety officers in the school—and then receives a prompt out-of-school suspension. When the student returns to the classroom, it's likely that nothing was done to repair the relationship with the teacher. And thus, the cycle of misbehavior and stricter punishment continues. This type of retributive justice, or...

To Predict ‘Next Wave Of Drug Abuse,’ FDA Listens To The Internet And Follows The Pills []

In a just published perspective piece in The New England Journal of Medicine, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D. outlines with colleagues the multi-prong approach the agency is using to combat the complex issue that is misuse and abuse of opioids while detailing surveillance measures already underway to detect rapidly the next wave of drug abuse. Among this so-called proactive pharmacovigilance plan is employing a social media “listening platform” that...

A Classroom Strategy for Improving Student Mental Health []

Earlier this month, my 11th grade students hosted a storytelling showcase in conjunction with Story District , a local non-profit that "turns good stories into great performances." As we molded our personal stories into shape and rehearsed them in front of each other for the umpteenth time, my students started noticing something disturbing. Many of the stories my students chose to tell about themselves were about misbehavior...and the subsequent consequences which invariably involved...

When ACEs Are Held By More Than One Generation, The Outcomes Are Concerning []

The role that adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) play in the physical and mental health of individuals as they age has been well described. What has been less understood is what effect ACEs in a parent might have in their children—until Le-Scherban et al. ( 10.1542/peds.2017-4274 ) decided to study that question in a new study being released this month in our journal. The authors used linked data between parents living in the Philadelphia area and their past exposure to ACES with their...

The Relentless School Nurse – Power of Community Engagement

“The power of community to create health is far greater than any physician, clinic or hospital.” – Mark Hyman, MD Community engagement invigorates a collective population to explore community-based solutions to address their unique challenges and opportunities. Including the community is key to building sustainability in any change-related initiative. School Nurses are uniquely positioned to lead the charge of community engagement because we simultaneously have our finger on the pulse of...

Trauma-Informed Care: Understanding the Many Challenges of Toxic Stress

The journey toward mental wellness and self-care can be especially challenging for trauma survivors. “Trauma literally means ‘wound, injury, or shock,'” according to the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD). “It refers to extreme stress that overwhelms a person’s ability to cope,” writes Esther Giller of the Sidran Institute. The impact of trauma makes it difficult for survivors to understand their own experiences, and can interfere with their ability to get...

Anniversary of Peace

Today is the 17th anniversary of my sister's passing. At the age of 43 she died from alcoholic liver disease. A mindfulness practice that I have taken on to better handle her death has been to look upon this day as a day that she finally was at peace. After my morning walk I remembered that today is what I like to call her Angelversary. The day she got her angel wings! Today as I wished her a Happy Angelversary a wave of deep sadness and guilt came over me. I believe that it came from...

Dewayne ‘The Foster Care Rock’ Johnson []

Dewayne Johnson might not have the worldwide fan following of the similarly named pro wrestler-turned-movie star. But, in his way, he has become a true rock for kids in need. Johnson, 48, is a social worker with the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), home to the largest local population of foster kids in the nation. He’s also a bit of a unicorn. Born into foster care himself, Johnson spent his childhood moving from house to house, relative to relative. One...

Colleges Are No Match for American Poverty []

Russell Lowery-Hart spent a Texas winter weekend sleeping outside, even when a light rain fell and it grew so cold that he forced muddy shoes into his sleeping bag to warm his feet. By day, the 48-year-old became increasingly sunburned crisscrossing the streets of Waco, applying for fast-food jobs and searching for soup kitchens. He arrived at one charity at noon to find that lunch ended at 11:30; luckily, a homeless woman shared her cinnamon bread with him. He was unshowered and unshaven,...

The Conflicting Educations Of Sam Schimmel []

On Aug. 24, 1952, the Silook and Oozevaseuk families of Gambell, Alaska, welcomed a baby girl into the world and introduced her to the island that had been their home for centuries. Gambell is at the western edge of St. Lawrence Island in the Bering Sea. When the weather is clear, you can see Siberia in the distance. Baby Constance was born into a culture that was rich and well-adapted to the exceptionally harsh environment. Her ancestors had passed down skills for surviving — ways of...

Preventing ACEs is a social moonshot.

We are enjoying amazing community dialogue as we launch the nation's first data-driven, cross-sector and systemic program focused on preventing adverse childhood experience, trauma and maltreatment. We are addressing the social determinants of health, increasing ten vital family-focused services to create community and home environments where children are safe and families thrive. This is a social moonshot. Join the ride.

The Relentless School Nurse: Taking my Seat at the Congressman’s Table

On February 16, 2018, two days after the Parkland shootings, the American Academy of Nursing (AAN) released this call to action: “American Academy of Nursing Calls for National Commission on Mass Shootings Washington, D.C. (February 16, 2018) –– Today, the American Academy of Nursing urges Congressional leadership to launch a bipartisan National Commission on Mass Shootings within the next thirty days. “The time to act is now. Thoughts and prayers for victims and families are simply not...

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