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City's toughest neighborhoods also plagued with high instances of child abuse []

BALTIMORE — Some of the city's toughest communities, those plagued by crime and drugs, are also notorious for another adverse distinction: having a high number of children who have been abused. Park Heights in northwest Baltimore has long had the reputation of being crime-ridden, failing in housing and booming with liquor and corner stores. It's part of the 21215 ZIP code. "That ZIP code has a disproportionate high number of child victims of abuse and other traumas there," said Adam...

Secrets Of A Maya Supermom: What Parenting Books Don't Tell You (

In Western culture, parenting is often about control. "We think of obedience from a control angle. Somebody is in charge and the other one is doing what they are told because they have to," says Barbara Rogoff , a psychologist at the University of California, Santa Cruz, who has studied the Maya culture for 30 years. And if you pay attention to the way parents interact with children in our society, the idea is blazingly obvious. We tend to boss them around. "Put your shoes on!" or "Eat your...

FREE Webinar: Measuring Trauma-Informed Care using ARTIC Scale

In April 2016, the Attitudes Related to Trauma-Informed Care (ARTIC) Scale was released. It remains one of the only psychometrically-valid measures of trauma-informed care (TIC) available. In only two years, the ARTIC has been used by over 150 entities in 10 countries, translated into 4 languages, and administered to over 25,000 professionals. In response to rapidly-increasing interest in the ARTIC Scale, this FREE webinar will provide updated information for those considering whether the...

The Carpenter Vs. The Gardener: Two Models Of Modern Parenting []

Parents these days are stressed. So are their kids. The root of this anxiety, one scholar says, is the way we understand the relationship between parents and children. Alison Gopnik , a psychology and philosophy professor at the University of California, Berkeley, thinks parents—especially middle-class parents—view their children as entities they can mold into a specific image. "The idea is that if you just do the right things, get the right skills, read the right books, you're going to be...

It Saves Lives. It Can Save Money. So Why Aren’t We Spending More on Public Health? []

Not only have many public health interventions in the United States been hugely successful, but they’ve also saved more money than they’ve cost. And yet Americans spend relatively little money in that domain and far more on medical care that returns less value for its costs. Instead of continually complaining about how much is being spent on health care with little to show for it, maybe we should direct more of that money to public health. What Do We Mean by Public Health? It encompasses...

Defining Moments: Exposure is the First Step in the Revolution []

“I wasn’t allowed to talk about anything, the way I found I could talk about what was happening in my life was through these surrealistic drawings and paintings that I’d create. Because my upbringing was so traumatic, I used that as an escape.” In foster care at age 9, Miriam Cortez learned that creating art was her way to work through pain and suffering. In her early twenties, her art still has a haunting quality and when you look at some of the pieces she creates, you find yourself being...

Traumatic Childhoods Produce More Painful Adulthoods []

What's the root cause of the opioid epidemic ? A strong case can be made for pain. Pain prompts people to ask their doctors for drugs. Pain keeps them taking those pills for so long that they get addicted. So what's the source of all this suffering, as well as our inability to manage it without heavy-duty pharmaceuticals? Recent research provides a provocative answer. It finds people who experienced more trauma and adversity in childhood and adolescence tend to experience greater pain as...

Equity Lessons for Organizational Leaders []

I moved to New York for my first job out of grad school almost 20 years ago. After just one week in my new apartment, I got a $65 ticket for putting tin cans and milk cartons in my trash can. Having spent most of my life in the American South where no laws required it, I had never recycled before. After the ticket, I started rethinking the contents of my trash can. I have learned that landfills are harmful to the planet and how recycling saves energy and helps to slow global warming. I now...

Why Starbucks’s Bias Training, Despite Skepticism, Is an Important Start []

Starbucks will temporarily shut 8,000 stores for four hours Tuesday afternoon to conduct racial bias training for its employees. It follows an incident in Philadelphia last month in which two black men were arrested simply for waiting in a store. What would seem like a positive step forward is already, perhaps predictably, being criticized. Starbucks’s bias training, according to T.J. Legacy-Cole , a political organizer in Orlando, is “a self-righteous and disingenuous public-relations stunt...

Traditional South African Healers Use Connection in Suicide Prevention []

A study led by Dr. Jason Bantjes of Stellenbosch University explores South African traditional healers’ work with suicidal individuals. The results of the study, published in a recent issue of Transcultural Psychiatry, suggest that South African traditional healers frequently work with suicidal individuals, and thus have an important perspective to contribute to the country’s suicide prevention-related public health efforts. The researchers found that healers support suicidal individuals by...

Sizeism, Sanism, and the Oppressive Weight of Paternalism []

Emily: Growing up Jewish, queer, and Autistic in Birmingham, Alabama, I faced a great deal of bullying and prejudice. Instead of stepping in to address the bullying, my parents, teachers, and therapists tried to help me act more “normal,” hide my queerness, and learn how to fit in. I quickly learned one of the most insidious and effective ways that oppression is perpetuated: by holding the oppressed, rather than the oppressor, responsible for it. In college, I began studying the topic of...

Healing Trauma Summit (free online)

With the Healing Trauma Summit , you’ll join renowned and respected professionals and healers from a wide sweep of disciplines and traditions. Additionally, heroines and heroes of community and cultural healing will share how they found a way through their traumatic experiences to emerge stronger and a source of help to others. This summit features 24 of today’s leading voices in trauma healing. Many will be sharing training sessions and practical applications for your professional practice...

The preventable death of Anna, age eight in New Mexico: The impossible challenges of child welfare that must and can be solved.

We are the authors of Anna, Age Eight: The data-driven prevention of childhood trauma and maltreatment, Katherine Ortega Courtney, PhD and Dominic Cappello, and we have been discussing our book focused on how we must and can fix child welfare—a monumental challenge that requires the engagement of all of us. Abuse and neglect are ACEs, which is why having a high functioning child welfare system matters so much. We also know that many adverse childhood experiences fly under the radar of...

More Data Must Equal More Commitment to Creating Racial Equity ( & Commentary

Essay by Trina Jackson with links to a new report entitled Racial Inequities, Policy Solutions: Perceptions of Boston’s Communities of Color on Racism and Race Relations by The Hyams Foundation. While the reported data is specific to Massachusetts, the issues are national and relevant for all of us. Here are some excerpts: How many of us have been in or led organizations where we say we care about racial equity in our workplace but will address it more in real and meaningful ways in the next...

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