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2023 Week of HOPE Preview []

By Laura Gallant, 3/9/23, The 3 rd Annual HOPE Summit will take place on March 29 – 30. Throughout that week, we will be hosting our 2 nd Annual Week of HOPE. During this week, we celebrate the power of positive childhood experiences (PCEs), and the HOPE framework. HOPE makes a real difference in practice whether in policy, organizational structures, one-on-one interactions with children and families, spiritual communities, and many more spaces,...

How the Trauma and Community Resiliency Models Foster Well-Being From Shame and Pathology to Hope and Biology.

Elpis was the spirit of hope. Along with the other spirits, she was trapped in a jar by Zeus and entrusted with the care of the first woman—Pandora. When Pandora opened the vessel, all of the spirits escaped except for Elpis (Hope), who alone remained to comfort humankind." 1 As Pandora's story reminds us, even when faced with the most challenging life experiences, hope can be found and fundamentally transform our life's journey. The "elegant design" of the nervous system offers hope. Humans...

Black Patients Dress Up and Modify Speech to Reduce Bias, California Survey Shows []

Ovester Armstrong Jr. lives in Tracy, California, but is willing to drive an hour to the Bay Area’s more urban regions for doctors’ appointments. “I feel like those doctors are the ones who pay attention to Black folks or minorities of color,” he says. (Shelby Knowles for KHN) By Annie Sciacca, California Healthline, March 9, 2023 A young mother in California’s Antelope Valley bathes her children and dresses them in neat clothes, making sure they look their very best — at medical...

Arkansas leads charge to weaken child labor protections []

Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed a bill that significantly rolls back protections against child labor on Tuesday. Photograph: Will Newton/AP By Edwin Rios, The Guardian, March 8, 2023 The governor of Arkansas , Sarah Huckabee Sanders, on Tuesday signed a bill that significantly rolls back protections against child labor, eliminating state requirements to verify that children are at least 16 before they receive a job. A spokesperson for Sanders, who before becoming governor was White House press...

Justice Dept. Finds Pattern of Discriminatory Policing in Louisville []

A memorial to Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Ky., in 2020. Credit... Xavier Burrell for The New York Times By Glenn Thrush, The New York Times, March 8, 2023 The police department in Louisville, Ky., engaged in a far-ranging pattern of discriminatory and abusive law enforcement practices, the Justice Department said on Wednesday after conducting a two-year investigation prompted by the fatal shooting of Breonna Taylor by the police in 2020. In a damning 90-page report , investigators painted...

Dr Bessel van der Kolk: how to heal trauma []

Psychiatrist and trauma specialist Bessel Van Der Kolk Photo: Supplied From Saturday Morning, RNZ, March 4, 2023 Trauma occurs when a threatening experience causes our brains and bodies to "lock into" a state of high alert and stay there, says pioneering psychiatrist and researcher Bessel van der Kolk . To heal from trauma, we need treatments and practices that instil a sense of physical and psychological safety, he tells Kim Hill. When a child experiences a disturbing event, they may not...

The hidden toll of climate disasters [Heated]

If you look around the news and social media, you’ll find that many discussions on climate change and mental health have focused on eco-anxiety , and the problem with doom-and-gloom rhetoric . Defined as "a chronic fear of environmental doom," eco-anxiety or climate anxiety has been documented to be on the rise, particularly among young people. As a result, “A growing number of researchers, activists and mental health professionals are now urging those in the climate movement to embrace more...

Tackling Michigan youth mental health crisis: Detroit teens say it takes self-love, inner peace []

Teens from Local Circles, a Detroit youth organization, surveyed their peers about mental health and wrote about what they learned. File photo from 2019. | Anthony Lanzilote for Chalkbeat By Lori Higgins, Chalkbeat Detroit, March 2, 2023 About 20 Detroit teens last summer set out to answer some important questions about how their peers are dealing with mental health struggles. These high school students, part of a city youth organization called Local Circles, wanted to know two things about...

Meet the South LA couple building a literal village of Black male educators []

Didi and Peter Watts at the site in Los Angeles which they hope to turn into an affordable housing development for Black male teachers Tuesday, February 28, 2023. They want to encourage black men to go into the teaching profession by providing a first-of-its-kind affordable housing development in their 2-year fellowship program. (Photo by David Crane, Los Angeles Daily News/SCNG) By Clara Harter, Los Angeles Daily News, March 4, 2023 For now it’s a grassy plot of land nestled on the border...

The trauma detective who combs through killers’ pasts to help them find mercy []

Sara Baldwin’s job was to mine James Bernard Belcher’s past for information that might sway a jury towards mercy after he killed Jennifer Embry. Photograph: Melanie Garcia/The Marshall Project By Maurice Chammah, The Guardian (co-published by the Marshall Project), March 2, 2023 The first mystery was who could have done such a thing, who could leave someone like that. Jennifer Embry was found in her bathtub in January 1996. She was 29. Her younger brother Ricky had come looking for her after...

California’s juvenile justice system seeks to end the incarceration of girls and young women []

Santa Clara County has maintained near-zero rates of incarceration for girls and young women for several years. Soon, four new counties will follow suit. Photo: Santa Clara Probation Department By Betty Marquez Rosales, EdSource, March 3, 2023 Four California counties will soon be offering girls and young women in youth jails more community-based alternatives to being detained. The initiative follows a pilot in Santa Clara County, established in 2018, which found that most incarcerated youth...

Why Children Need Nurturing Fathers []

By Jennifer Breheny Wallace, Photo: Arin Yoon, The Wall Street Journal, March 4, 2023 Until a few decades ago, American parents generally fell into specific gender roles, with fathers as providers and mothers as nurturers. Though many more mothers are also providers today, research suggests that fathers still lag behind as responsive caregivers. A soon-to-be published survey of more than 1,600 teenagers by the Harvard Education School’s Making Caring Common project found that almost twice as...

Sullivan County Tennessee Regional Health Department Becoming a Trauma Informed Workplace

In February of 2020 while working for a regional healthcare system as the Trauma Informed Administrator, the last in-person training session I conducted before COVID 19 impacted public gatherings, was for all of the staff of the Sullivan County Regional Health Department (SCRHD). In the winter of 2022, as organization doors began reopening from the pandemic, SCRHD Director Gary Mayes learned I was now doing this work as a national trainer, organizational coach and consultant, so he reached...

Free Webinar: How to Get Parents to Show Up and Engage

Parents often enter treatment with a “just fix my kid” mindset and refuse to engage or change their behavior. When this happens relapse rates skyrocket as the child returns to or remains in an unchanged family. Join Dr. Scott Sells, the author of the FST| Family Systems Trauma model for this free webinar that shares a 5-question FST Motivational script handout that you can immediately use the next day at work. DATE: March 8 TIME: 12 - 1 pm ET Click HERE to register to watch live or receive...

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