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Introducing a New ACEs Connection Community: Trauma-Informed Libraries

I am very excited to announce a new ACEs Connection community, Trauma-Informed Libraries. @Madeleine Charney and I would like to invite anyone who is interested in bringing trauma-informed approaches to libraries to join in the conversation. We are a collaborative of library professionals and library supporters who seek to share ACEs Science with our institutions, organizations and communities; explore and implement trauma-informed approaches and build community resilience through...

Childhood trauma training offered []

HOWLAND — The story of a mother who dealt with her young child wanting to die because he felt he was causing problems between his parents was a strong message shared with more than 120 people who gathered last week for a childhood emotional trauma conference. Parent Chandra Kelly shared her passion for wanting to help her 5-year-old son who she said was being abused and neglected by her ex-husband and faced many problems. “It’s horrible to have to watch your child go through this and not...

To Treat Pain, PTSD And Other Ills, Some Vets Try Tai Chi []

Every week in Murfreesboro, Tenn., Zibin Guo guides veterans in wheelchairs through slow-motion tai chi poses as a Bluetooth speaker plays soothing instrumental music. "Cloudy hands to the right, cloudy hands to the left," he tells them. "Now we're going to open your arms, grab the wheels and 180-degree turn." The participants swivel about-face and continue to the next pose. Guo , a medical anthropologist at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, has modified his tai chi to work from a...

How Transit-Oriented Development Can Prevent Displacement []

In recent years, the blocks around Oakland’s Fruitvale Transit Village have seen many changes that are typical of urban neighborhoods around the United States. Housing prices are on the rise, and the population has grown wealthier and more educated. But Fruitvale’s transformation is unusual in one key way: It hasn’t gotten whiter. Between 2000 and 2015, homeownership, median household income, and educational attainment all increased in the majority-Latino neighborhood. The gains were on par...

A Look Inside Trauma-Informed Practices: Fall-Hamilton Elementary

My school has had the fortunate honor to be featured as a part of Edutopia's best practices around ACEs and trauma informed practices. Give them a watch if you have a few minutes. Mathew Portell Principal Fall-Hamilton Elementary: A Leader in Me School 510 Wedgewood Ave. Nashville, TN 37203 (615) 291-6380 (Office) (615) 335-7836 (Cell) Twitter: @fallhamiltoneos Instagram: @fallhamiltoneos

How to Reduce the Impact of Childhood Trauma []

When Dr. Nadine Burke Harris set up the Bayview Child Health Center in 2007, she immediately noticed an association between traumatic experiences and health outcomes in the children she treated. “Day after day I saw infants who were listless and had strange rashes,” she writes in her new book, The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity . “Kids just entering middle school had depression. And in unique cases…kids weren’t even growing.” Often, she discovered, these...

Arizona Says It Lives Up to Foster Youth Education Law, But Can’t Prove It. Can Others? []

In Arizona, as in many other parts of the United States, school stability for foster youth is a significant problem. Forty-two percent of students in foster care switched schools during the school year, according to a 2015 West Ed report , and research has shown that each change costs a student at least three months of academic progress. These frequent moves jeopardize the already dim academic prospects for foster youth in a state that is struggling to provide quality education to students...

How More Meetings Might Be The Secret To Fixing High School []

The week before winter break, snow is piled up around St. Louis Park High School, a low-slung, rambling brick complex in suburban Minneapolis. And more snow is falling. This is a big, diverse school with proud roots. Alumni include Joel and Ethan Coen, who shot their semiautobiographical 2009 drama, A Serious Man, in this area, once a Jewish enclave, which today has immigrants from all over the world. But in 1998, when Angela Jerabek was a school counselor for freshmen here, she was...

Lessons From the Kerner Report []

Editor’s note: It has been 50 years since the Report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders, commonly known as the Kerner Report, was first released. It contained hard truths about the inequality and brutality in American society that were at the root of many urban uprisings and rioting. For CityLab’s look back at 1968, visual storyteller Ariel Aberg-Riger digs in to the history of the report and its legacy today. [For more on this story by ARIEL ABERG-RIGER, go to...

Jesse Williams and John Legend Talk Race in America []

John legend and jesse williams are known mainly as, respectively, a Grammy-winning R&B singer and a lead actor on ABC’s long-running medical drama Grey’s Anatomy. But they are also outspoken about racial injustice and the continuing struggle for civil rights. Legend, 39, has headlined benefit concerts and festivals dedicated to social justice. In 2015 he led a nationwide “listening and learning” tour in prisons and immigrant detention centers about problems in the U.S. criminal-justice...

Medicaid Minus Stigma: In Indian Country, It’s Part Of The Fabric Of Life []

GALLUP, N.M. — On a crisp sunny day, Tyson Toledo, a precocious 5-year-old boy, hobbled into a private health clinic to have his infected foot examined. Pediatrician Gayle Harrison told his mother to continue to apply antibiotic ointment and reminded them to come back if the swelling and redness worsened. The appointment at Rehoboth McKinley Christian Health Care Services’ outpatient center comes at no charge for the Toledo family, who live 30 miles away on the Navajo Nation Reservation.

To Raise Resilient Kids, Be a Resilient Parent []

As parents, we want our children to be emotionally resilient — able to handle life’s ups and downs. But parents’ ability to foster resilience in our children hinges a great deal on our own emotional resilience. “A parent’s resilience serves as a template for a child to see how to deal with challenges, how to understand their own emotions,” said Dr. Dan Siegel, author of “The Yes Brain,” which focuses on cultivating children’s resilience. Yet for many parents, taking the temper tantrums and...

United Way gives teachers lesson in understanding traumatized kids

Beth Tomlinson challenges a room full of 100 people to imagine her hand is a brain. Her wrist, the brain stem, which controls functions such as breathing and heart rate. Her thumb, the limbic system, which controls emotions and the fight-or-flight response. Her fingers, the cerebral cortex, where thinking and reasoning takes place. A typical learning brain is like a fist, all pieces working together. But for students who experience trauma — anything from divorced parents to sexual abuse to a...

The Body Remembers

She had a poster of Where’s Waldo? on the wall, presumably there to distract her patients from what was happening while they lay on the exam table. This was my third appointment, and on the drive over I had fought down rising waves of panic at walking back in to this room, with Waldo and her gloved fingers. When my physiotherapist had first recommended this treatment after months of physio exercises had failed to produce the desired results, I went home and cried. I called Dawn and told her...

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