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PACEs Research Corner — February 2023, Part 1

[Editor's note: Dr. Harise Stein at Stanford University edits a web site — — that focuses on the effects of abuse, and includes research articles on PACEs. Every month, she posts the summaries of the abstracts and links to research articles that address only ACEs, PCEs and PACEs. Thank you, Harise!! — Rafael Maravilla] Child Abuse Arthur L, Schiro S, Tumin D, et al. Shelter in Place and an Alarming Increase in Penetrating Trauma in Children and Concerning Decrease in Child...

Women’s History Month Encore: Dr. Melissa Merrick, President and CEO of Prevent Child Abuse America on This Week’s History. Culture. Trauma. Podcast

Join hosts Ingrid Cockhren, CEO of PACEs Connection, and Mathew Portell, PACEs Connection director of communities, for this encore episode of their interview with Melissa T. Merrick, Ph.D., president and CEO of Prevent Child Abuse America (PCA America), wherein she focusses on “celebrating the possibility of prevention,” and the importance of examining the socio-political conditions we as a society must address to help all people thrive. For the month of March, PACEs Connection’s History.

Fostering Resilience In Children With ACEs Through Quality Time

Children living with adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) face a variety of challenges. Some of these may be developmental, such as building social skills. They may also be at greater risk of mental health problems or substance abuse later in life. This is why it is so important to establish methods to help your child to gain the resilience that empowers them to navigate past or ongoing trauma. This is, of course, a relatively complex matter. A child with ACEs is likely to need a range of...

The dream of life...

Now working on another year of life … I can say that I’m better today than I was years, days, hours ago … yes, even hours – because each moment of life presents its own unique opportunity. Speaking of unique opportunities... From February 14-February 23, I sat vigil with my mother for 9 nights as she died after a decade long journey with Alzheimer's. Mom, even in her dying process, had lessons to teach me, and I'm sure I'll share more about those lessons down the road. For now, as I was...

Anticipation, anxiety and God’s promises

Carly Simon’s 1971 single, “Anticipation,” opened with the following lines: We can never know about the days to come But we think about them anyway And I wonder if I'm really with you now Or just chasin' after some finer day Anticipation, anticipation Is makin' me late Is keepin' me waitin' This is a season of anticipation and waiting. Many are anticipating warmer days and outdoor activities that come with spring. I am anxiously awaiting the start to another baseball season. What might you...

Containing Trauma: Closing the Wounds that we Open

Flashbacks. Nightmares. Distractability. Mood changes. Hyper-arousal. Developmental arrest. We are taught about the signs and symptoms of traumatic wounding through books and articles, trainings and conferences, symposiums and panels. We have learned how to adeptly detect our clients’ injuries—the moral, psychological, physical, and emotional wounds that have left them forever changed. We feel the magnetic pull of their pain points. We know which dark corners of their life stories are...

Complete Guide to Trauma-Informed Implementation - Complimentary Download!

Our 2022 Guide to Implementation was a great introduction to the trauma-informed model, and the updated 2023 edition is even better! We've given our guide a fresh new look, provided even more helpful visual resources, and added over 30 pages of content. Get your downloadable copy for free today! Our Complete Guide to Implementation is a free downloadable resource that we encourage every member of our community to access and share. Full of essential introductory content, this free resource is...

*NEW! Pan-Indigenous Neuro Healing & Wellness Program w/IN-PERSON RETREAT

Illustrations: Salini Perera The Pan-Indigenous Neuro Healing & Wellness Program is the perfect opportunity to take the next step in our personal journey or guide clients/community members through Collective Healing from a multi-ideology indigenous perspective merged with 21st century neuroscience. In the context of our healing and wellness program, indigenous refers to people all over the world whose way of life, and attachment or claims to land have resulted in their substantial...

Therapists That Administer The ACE Questions: New Training Opportunity

Therapists That Administer The ACE Questions Receive 1/2 Off Sessions. Here is a glimpse of our decades of collaborations: Mind-Body Healing discussion, adverse childhood experiences and the impact years and decades later with Vincent Felitti, MD and Brian Alman, PhD. 30+ years of collaborating and still collaborating on a weekly basis for ACE Treatment Solutions. Vincent J Felitti, MD, co-Principal investigator of the ACE Study, Retired...

Racism as a Public Health Crisis: Examining Racism in Medical Journals []

By Taneisha Fair, Image: Screenshot from article, The Center For Community Solutions, February 27, 2023 We’ve written about the steps that can be taken by institutions to help end racism as a public health crisis. One prevalent issue that must be addressed in that process is the failure to examine racism in medical journals and publish health research that reports on its impacts. Health Affairs published a report in 2021 that analyzed how many scientific articles mentioning the word “racism”...

Memorial for our COVID Trauma and Losses

Covid Memorial Day National Online Vigil w/Senator Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Greg Stanton To heal, we must remember. We must mark our losses and recognize our grief and trauma. Help us bear witness. This is a virtual memorial. Register on Facebook or on website Join Marked By Covid for its annual vigil with Covid Memorial Day legislative champions Senator Elizabeth Warren, Representative Greg Stanton, and Representative Jim McGovern. Poetry by Leslé Honoré will be read by...

Identifying & Healing Invisible Trauma - Mary Giuliani Interviewed on Latchkey Urchins

I so enjoyed connecting with former staff member, @Alison Cebulla on her podcast Latchkey Urchins . We had a lively discussion about the invisible traumas such as emotional neglect, being parentified, or raised by parents who chronically fight, or are addicted, anxious, or depressed, and most importantly, what we can do to heal. I go into much more detail about these as well as other topics related to complex PTSD, addiction, obesity, and difficulty with close...

The Trauma Triangle: How Fostering Awareness of Reenactments Builds Resilience

The basic concept surrounding trauma-informed care is this: We all have trauma. Some of us are at a higher risk of experiencing trauma. We carry this trauma with us, and if we do not address it, we will not heal from it. Understanding reenactments is one way that we can continue healing from trauma. Our healing helps us make sure that we don’t traumatize or re-traumatize others due to our own inability to emotionally regulate. In the context of trauma healing, there are three main things we...

Reclaiming Black masculinity: An L.A. father’s journey toward healing himself, building community []

Bobby Brown of Inglewood meditates on the floor with a group of Black men in Los Angeles. Brown, a married father of four, has sought out mental health care and built a community of Black fathers who lean on one another as they evolve as men and parents.(Jason Armond / Los Angeles Times) By Jason Armond, Los Angeles Times, March 1, 2023 On a Saturday in downtown Los Angeles, morning sun streamed through a window illuminating a room where Bobby Brown lay meditating with about 100 other Black...

Most Americans experience a traumatic event by the age of 16—here are common symptoms []

By Elias Sorich, OC Today, March 1, 2023 Two-thirds of American children experience a potentially traumatic event by age 16, and 1 in 7 American children experience abuse or neglect. Without proper attention, these traumatic events can lead to many long-term challenges at all stages of development, from preschool to adulthood. Though each case is unique, common symptoms in children can include anxiety, depression, social isolation, educational and interpersonal struggles, and substance...

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