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For a pediatrician and former teacher ACEs awareness came from a punch in the face

Dr. Kavitha Selvaraj did not learn about adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) from a class in medical school. Her first awareness of ACEs came after a student slugged her in the face when she was a new teacher in a school in Los Angeles. She had heard a chorus in the hallway urging her students she refers to as “J” and “N” to “Fight! Fight! Fight,” she writes in an essay in a recent issue of the journal Pediatrics . The two were trading punches. When she stepped in the middle to break it up...

Funding home visiting for our children []

On March 11 of this year, “60 Minutes” aired a report on the long-term effects of childhood trauma, or Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). The report featured renowned psychiatrist Dr. Bruce Perry who stated that because of their developing brains, children are much more sensitive to developmental trauma than adults. As evidence of the impact of childhood trauma continues to permeate child-serving institutions, teachers, social workers, pediatricians and caregivers are changing the way...

Groups look to improve kids’ well-being []

Hundreds of data points flashed across the projector screen, but two that caught the attention of a domestic violence prevention specialist during the State of the Child presentation spoke to economic disparity that exists in Bartholomew County. Amy Schnapp-Brunnemer said she was surprised that while the county’s per capita personal income of $47,386 as of 2016 exceeded the state average by more than $4,000, which ranked it seventh, more than one-third of local public school students...

The Texas Census Is in Trouble []

A conference room in a Houston municipal building will soon take the form of a political war room. Maps outlining city blocks and tracts will adorn the walls. Operatives will gather to strategize on block-walking in different communities. And outreach plans will be solidified in hopes of shaking hands and meeting with as many constituents as possible. The extensive ground game that will be formulated in that war room, and similar ones across the state, won’t be in support of any candidate or...

Sick of Struggling With Depression or Anxiety? Watch my Interview tonight 7pm PST with Psychotherapist , Hilary Jacobs Hendel, LCSW Author of It’s Not Always Depression

Watch LIVE Tonight, Wednesday, March 28 th at 7pm PST/10pm EST on Mary Giuliani LIVE a Transformational Video Talk Show Sick of Struggling With Depression or Anxiety? Join me and Psychotherapist Hilary Jacobs Hendel, LCSW Author of It’s Not Always Depression: Listen to the Body. Discover Core Emotions. Connect to Your Authentic Self I am really excited to chat with author and psychotherapist, Hilary Jacobs Hendel on Wed. March 28th at 7pm PST about her new book, It’s Not Always Depression:...

RESILIENCE + Paper Tigers select segments virtual screening & live Twitter Townhall April 3

To register for this virtual event, click here . DEEPENING THE CONVERSATION: CHILDHOOD TRAUMA & ACEs Vimeo Virtual Screening 6:00 a.m. ET- 11:00 p.m (tune in anytime during the day or evening) RESILIENCE Live Twitter Townhall Q&A 8:00 p.m. ET - Follow us at @DocResilience Join us on Tuesday, April 3, 2018, for a VIMEO virtual screening of the award-winning film, RESILIENCE: The Biology of Stress & The Science of Hope — a critically acclaimed documentary chronicling a new movement...

Here’s One Issue Blue and Red States Agree On: Preventing Deaths of Expectant and New Mothers []

Alarmed that the U.S. is the most dangerous affluent country in which to give birth, state and local lawmakers around the country are adopting a flurry of bipartisan bills aimed at reforming how maternal deaths are identified and investigated. In Indiana earlier this month, Republican Gov. Eric Holcomb signed a bill creating a maternal mortality review committee to scrutinize deaths and near-deaths among expectant and new mothers and make policy recommendations to improve maternal health.

How to Hardwire Resilience into Your Brain []

One winter, I went camping with my friend Bob in the backcountry near Sequoia National Park. After spending the day slogging uphill through deep snow, we were exhausted but needed to make camp. As the temperature rapidly dropped, Bob began shivering uncontrollably. He had poured out so much energy without refueling himself that he was sliding into hypothermia, the first stage of freezing to death. We hurried to set up the tent, get into our sleeping bags, light the stove, drink hot water,...

'We Cannot Move Forward if These Kids Are Left Behind' []

What does it take to widen the circle of opportunity in a rapidly diversifying America? Few questions are more pressing for the country. The Census Bureau recently forecast that racial and ethnic minorities will become a majority of the nation’s under-18 population by 2020, most of the under-30 population by 2027, and a majority of the under-40 population just six years after that. These young people represent the nation’s future—its workers, consumers, taxpayers, and voters. Yet despite...

When Gentrification Is a Mental Health Issue []

Gentrification can be hazardous to your health, according to a team of New York City researchers. Their recently published study finds that hospitalization rates for mental illness—including schizophrenia and mood disorders—are two times as high in displaced people versus those who remain in their neighborhood. It is one of the first U.S. studies to quantify the hidden mental health consequences of gentrification. The potential public health implications are significant: Nearly a million...

How to Build an Intergenerational Civil-Rights Movement []

"This isn’t a King–Stokely situation.” The reverend’s voice on the telephone was deep and deliberate. He was trying to dissuade us from heading to the Florida statehouse, where a massive sit-in had been organized by young activists protesting the murder of Trayvon Martin, a black teenager, and the acquittal of his killer, George Zimmerman. The demonstrators, with their zeal and style—their use of social media, their graphics and videos, their hoodies—appealed to our North Carolina group of...

How to Think about "Implicit Bias" []

When is the last time a stereotype popped into your mind? If you are like most people, the authors included, it happens all the time. That doesn’t make you a racist, sexist, or whatever-ist. It just means your brain is working properly, noticing patterns, and making generalizations. But the same thought processes that make people smart can also make them biased. This tendency for stereotype-confirming thoughts to pass spontaneously through our minds is what psychologists call implicit bias.

How America’s prisons are fueling the opioid epidemic []

For once, Casey is optimistic about his future. After 16 years of struggling with drug addiction, he no longer feels the need to use. He has a steady job doing hazard tree removal for a Fortune 500 energy company. He’s working on getting specialized training for a license to help him land better-paying jobs. He’s even going to the gym. But Casey, who asked that I only use his first name for this story, knows this could have turned out very differently. In fact, it had the past few times he...

“Pain is pain”—Experiencing gun violence in Parkland, FL, South Side Chicago, Marshall County, KY

Mary Rojas and Jan Fenty (wearing sunglasses) on the bus with me and other neighbors on the way to the Saturday’s March for Our Lives in Washington, DC ______________________________________________________ For Saturday’s March for Our Lives in Washington, DC, Jan Fenty repurposed the signs she uses for the weekly Monday morning anti-gun demonstrations in front of the White House, giving me an extra sign as we rode the bus to the March site. As I reflected on the day—an event full of...

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