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A Prescription for Trauma

How should we view trauma? We live in a society where we have a pharmacological agent for almost every ailment, real or imagined. When we are sick, we go to the doctor and we get a prescription for a drug. Prescriptions are usually written, but can be a verbal order. The drug is prescribed to heal an illness, or disease, or at least, to provide some relief. What happens, though, when an ailment is so deep within one’s core that it cannot be treated by any medication? As a seasoned...

Philadelphia Trauma Training Conference- Call for Proposals

There are a few more days to submit your proposal for a 90-minute workshop to be presented at our 2nd Annual Philadelphia Trauma Training Conference - Preventing Childhood Trauma and its Impact across the Lifespan: An Interprofessional Agenda for Providers, Advocates, Policy Makers, and Community Members The submission deadline is March 1st . If your proposal is accepted you will be granted free admission to the three-day conference . First launched in 2017, the Philadelphia Trauma Training...

Arkansas Children Most Likely To Go Through Adverse Experience, Study Finds []

A new study published by Child Trends says children in Arkansas are more likely to go through an adverse childhood experience (ACE) than all other states. The non-profit organization says such an experience can include children’s parents who divorce, parental incarceration, and living with an adult battling substance abuse. The group says it aims to improve the lives and prospects of children and their families. Study co-author Vanessa Sacks says 56 percent of children in the state have had...

New Hub Resource: Principles of Effective Juvenile Justice Policy []

The National Conference of State Legislatures Juvenile Justice Principles Work Group’s latest report identifies 12 principles for effective juvenile justice policymaking. The principles and illustrative examples are intended to help states invest in proven methods of juvenile justice reform. See this report and more newly added resources on the Hub . [To access this report and the Hub, go to ]

Trauma-Informed Care comes to Fayette County []

On Jan. 25, the Fayette County Board of Developmental Disabilities hosted “Trauma-Informed Care: An Introduction” at our local Southern State Community College. This training was provided free by The Central Ohio Trauma-Informed Care Collaborative, which is a collaboration between the Ohio Mental Health & Addiction Services and the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities. With the Fayette County board adhering to Trauma Informed Care (TIC) as the guiding principles for case...

Are We There Yet? Measuring Progress Towards Becoming a Trauma-Informed School

Are we there yet? Understanding if we have reached our ‘destination’ is becoming an ever more present question for schools on the path towards becoming trauma-informed. How do we measure success? How do we know when we have reached the goals and outcomes that will signify we are a trauma-informed school? As with most long trips, it is as much about the journey as the destination. Becoming a trauma-informed school or district is not a program to be implemented; it is a strategy or approach...

The Great Thing About Growing Up Poor

(VIDEO TRANSCRIPT) Hi, I'm Anna Runkle, also known as the Crappy Childhood Fairy . As many people know, I talk a lot about growing up poor. Now my family was a certain kind of poor. We weren't like trailer poor and we weren't like refugee poor. We were more like addiction poor, where we started out kind of middle class and educated, but then we started sliding down the ladder. As alcoholism took over my parents' lives, it turned them from nice people into people who weren't very stable. Then...

Trauma support may help low-income families earn more []

(Reuters Health) - A federal assistance program designed to move low-income families toward financial independence comes up short – but results might improve if families also receive support that helps them deal with traumatic experiences, a new study suggests. The Trauma Assistance for Needy Families program (TANF), part of the Department of Health and Human Service’s Office of Family Assistance, is intended to help poverty-stricken recipients gain employment skills, secure jobs and...

Toxic stress is a public health crisis, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris tells Erikson audience []

For years, pediatrician Dr. Nadine Burke Harris treated children’s chronic conditions the way she was taught in medical school: Prescribing medication to ease symptoms. But it was a conversation with a 10-year-old patient’s mother that got her thinking differently. “The mother said to me, and I’ll never forget this, ‘I noticed my daughter’s asthma acts up every time her dad punches a hole in the wall,’” Dr. Burke Harris told a crowd of Erikson Institute supporters, alumni, faculty, and staff...

Another School Shooting—But Who’s Counting? []

A high-school shooting in Parkland, Florida, on Wednesday afternoon has left 17 people dead and numerous others injured, according to officials. The suspect, a 19-year-old former student named Nikolas Cruz who was expelled for unspecified disciplinary reasons, is in custody, according to officials. As details of the attack emerge, news organizations are engaging in a grim tradition: tallying the massacre on an ever-growing list of school shootings in the U.S., and of mass shootings more...

4 Things I’m Not Saying When I Say “Rape Culture” []

This article was originally published by Everyday Feminism . It has been edited for YES! Magazine. What would you say if someone offered you a chance to reduce the number of sexual assaults in your community? I’m not talking about joining a crime-fighting squad or making a big donation to an anti-rape organization—but about taking actions in your everyday life that would make a difference in stopping sexual violence. Would you do it? [For more on this story by Maisha Z. Johnson, go to...

Report From Nine Maternal Mortality Committees []

What is this report? A report of data from nine states using a standard data-collection system provides an in-depth analysis of causes of death, preventability and specific recommendations for action. For example: • It confirms that most pregnancy-related deaths are preventable and highlights key opportunities for prevention. • Nearly half of all pregnancy-related deaths were caused by hemorrhage, cardiovascular and coronary conditions, cardiomyopathy or infection. • Causes of death differ...

For the Love of Liberation: Let's Stop Belittling Others and Start Organizing []

This story is the third in Truthout's " Visions of 2018 " series, in which activist leaders answer the question: "What would you like to see created, built, imagined or begun this year?" Each piece will focus on a bold idea for transformation, to give us fuel as the year moves forward. As activists and artists, how do we motivate others? How do we mobilize people into sustainable movements? As we approach these questions in 2018, we would do well to remember that there's more to organizing...

How Mind-Wandering May Be Good For You []

When writing a song or a piece of prose, I often choose to let my mind wander, hoping the muse will strike. If it does, it not only moves my work along but feels great, too! That’s why I was troubled by studies that found an association between mind-wandering and problems like unhappiness and depression —and even a shorter life expectancy . This research suggests that focusing one’s thoughts on the present moment is linked to well-being, while spacing out—which I personally love to do—is...

Mass Murderers/School Shooters

One of these days it's going to come out that the parents of mass murderers/school shooters engaged in many parenting behaviors and practices generally recognized as disrupting the healthy development of children. Visit, click on The Tips, and then think the opposite of the 51 tips.

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