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How to Bring Caring for Kids and Elders (and Other Acts of Love) Into the Economy []

Ask anyone about caregiving, and you’ll likely hear a story about personal sacrifice. Heather Boldon, a single mother from Minnesota, gave up her full-time job to care for her mother. She took a more than 50 percent pay cut, spent down her 401k, and lost her health insurance. When she was injured, she couldn’t visit a doctor to see whether she needed surgery. In New York, Delores McCrae, a home care worker, was evicted from her home and lived in a women’s homeless shelter where she was...

Suffer the children: The devastating lifelong impacts of childhood trauma []

On her third day alone in the house, 7-year-old Linda Fritts slept in her safe place in the closet. She arranged the shelves and fashioned a nest for herself atop a chest of drawers. “I would take stuffed animals in there and my books in there,” she says now. She read by flashlight, Nancy Drew or The Boxcar Children, the series about four inexplicably happy orphans who live by themselves in an abandoned freight car. “I was jealous,” Linda says. “They had each other.” [For more on this story...

San Jose: Police, schools just say no to cops as campus rule enforcers []

SAN JOSE — Law-enforcement and education officials in San Jose are drawing a line on the chalkboard over campus police officers at the city’s public high schools, revising policies to make clear their job is to ensure safety, not dole out discipline to unruly students. San Jose police officers received a department-wide memo this week notifying them of a revision in the duty manual that makes clear they report to the city, not school administrators, and that their job is not to enforce...

Women and men military veterans, childhood adversity and alcohol and drug use []

Results of a national study led by public health scientist Elizabeth Evans at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, with others at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the University of California, Los Angeles, suggest that risk for alcohol and drug use disorders among United States military veterans is increased by childhood adversity, and in ways that are different between women and men and different compared to the civilian population. Evans, an assistant professor of...

Community Voices: Creating a Just, Healthy and Resilient World

Introducing a new collection from Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities (MARC), "Community Voices: Creating a Just, Healthy and Resilient World." These stories, captured by Anndee Hochman, highlight the power of cross-sector collaboration to build community resilience. They were inspired by the conversations we had and the places we visited during our 2016-2017 site visits to all 14 communities participating in MARC.

2017: Principal Progress: Trauma-Informed Efforts at One Alaska Elementary School

Before Deanna Beck had ever heard of the 1998 ACE study, before she became principal of Northwood ABC Elementary School in Anchorage, she was a special education teacher who saw the ways trauma scrawled through her students’ lives. On the one-minute reading tests Beck administered, she would notice steady progress—40 words a minute, then 50—followed by dramatic drops; a child would suddenly be stumbling along at three or four words a minute. Pictured: Deanna Beck at Northwood ABC Elementary...

The Ways We Traumatize Ourselves

When we talk about trauma, we are usually referring to the things done TO us -- childhood abuse and neglect, growing up poor, violence by a partner, exposure to war... But the more we were exposed to these traumas from an outside source, the more likely we are to adopt what I call "inside traumas" -- the things we believe and do today that can actually make the effects of old traumas worse . They start as an innocent flight away from pain, but if they persist, they actually create more...

Does Big Data Belong in Courtrooms? []

Algorithms are behind pretty much everything these days, from music and movie recommendations to GPS navigation to forensic technology . Ever the early adopter of new technologies, the criminal justice system has been using predictive algorithms for decades to guess everything from where crimes might occur to which criminals will appear at court hearings or re-offend. The data-driven tools were supposed to take human error out of the equation in a system plagued by racism and discrimination...

U.S. Lowers Incarceration Rates—Except When It Comes To Women []

According to a report released this week by the Prison Policy Initiative, since 2009, a movement toward justice reform, along with the high cost of over-incarceration to cash strapped states, has slowly reduced state prison populations around the nation. Yet, according to the new report, in the majority of states, the decrease in numbers has been among male inmates, not women in jails and prisons. Some state, California among them, were successful in also bringing the women’s numbers down.

It's Not the Food Deserts: It's the Inequality []

Too many Americans are overweight and eat unhealthy food, a problem that falls disproportionately on poor and low-income people. For many urbanists, the main culprit has long been “food deserts”—disadvantaged neighborhoods that are underserved by quality grocery stores, and where people’s nutritional options are limited to cheaper, high-calorie, and less nutritious food. But a new study by economists at New York University, Stanford University, and the University of Chicago adds more...

Adverse childhood experiences increase risk of mental illness, but community support can offer protection []

People who have experienced abuse, neglect and other adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) such as living with domestic violence during their childhood are at much greater risk of mental illness throughout life. Findings from a new national study across Wales found adults who had suffered four or more types of ACE were almost 10 times more likely to have felt suicidal or self-harmed than those who had experienced none. The study by Public Health Wales and Bangor University also found that...

When Economic Growth Indicates Failure []

Nothing can be duller than listening to an economist or other policy expert pontificate endlessly on such metrics as gross domestic product, stock market prices, employment, and consumer confidence. Most of all they talk about GDP: Rising GDP is good; falling GDP is bad. But as a measure of economic activity, GDP is what it says it is: a gross number. It doesn’t measure how money and wealth circulates through a system, what use it is put to, how the rewards of its use are distributed. It...

The Intersection of Design and Socila Justice in Black America []

The underground history galleries of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History & Culture are separated by two transitional years: 1877, the year Reconstruction ended, and 1968, a year that was, as the museum's website notes, "a turning point in the African-American freedom movement." This was the year that Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated, and it was the year that the first elected African-American mayors of major cities in the United States took office: Carl...

The American Health-Care System Increases Income Inequality []

For most people, a single doctor’s visit can be a financial obstacle course. Many patients throughout the year pay hundreds or thousands of dollars in premiums, most often through workplace contributions. Then, at the doctor’s office, they are faced with a deductible, and they may need to pay coinsurance or make a copayment. If they have prescriptions, they’ll likely fork over cash for those, too. And that’s just for basic primary care for one person. Repeat that process for an entire...

New Resources for Military Families

Sesame Street for Military Families Sesame Street for Military Families has released new content! Visit the link to find interactive games, videos, and printable activities for military families to do with their preschool children. Topics include staying healthy together, creating fun and meaningful birthday traditions, encouraging children’s self-expression, making changes more comfortable, and so much more! NCTSN Child Traumatic Grief Series Supporting Military Children with Traumatic...

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