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The Future of Social Work (

The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), the profession’s accreditation body, is rethinking its blueprint for training social workers for future generations. Social work’s role in healthcare is a key focus as new trends are developing such as the utilization of interprofessional collaborations; recognition of the importance of prevention, trauma, and social determinants; and the reliance on the provision of services outside traditional delivery systems. According to the Bureau of Labor...

Trauma Informed Care from the Baby's Perspective

The ACEs and Resilience movement is now across the US and worldwide, focusing on increasing awareness of how trauma impacts children and adults. There are now calls for more programs, projects, training and research on trauma from a baby's perspective. Recent programs highlight Trauma Informed Parenting , Maternal Health and ACEs , and Pediatrics and ACEs , but none of these approaches include the first 9 months of life, even though data clearly shows that the baby's experience of the womb...

Divorced Parents Who Fight: How to Break the Cycle (A New Course)

I remember perfectly the warm wave of hope and relief I felt when my parents told me they were getting a divorce. I was seven. My dad kneeled down in the hallway with me as he was leaving, his suitcase on the floor next to him, and promised it wasn’t my fault. I pretended I needed to hear this, but I knew perfectly well it was the two of them who had caused all the trouble. They had screamed and and threatened and abandoned each other off and on for as long as I had memories. There were many...

To Zoe’s Mom: I See You

I am not even sure where to start. But, I know I need to write about this. I need to give this to the world. Perhaps to another mother who is facing the darkness and can’t see her way out. Perhaps she is watching her children caught in the cyclone that is her life. I think she is who I am writing this for. And maybe for me too. I am doing some amazing work with a community that is fast becoming dear to my heart. I look at the people who keep showing up that are trying to wrap their heads...

Wisconsin Dept of Health Services — Trauma-Informed Care News & Notes (Dec. 25, 2017)

ACEs, Adversity's Impact Wisconsin gun deaths marked by suicides among rural men, study says Study: La. children more likely to experience adversity than peers nationwide Gambling against the odds on life’s risks more common after childhood stress Father's rejection may increase child's social anxiety, loneliness Social workers lack tools to identify potential child neglect, study suggests Children need better mental health care. Here are some ways to provide it, panel says From shelter to...

Making the Warrior Commitment (

We've all got the potential to awaken and help others in meaningful ways, big and small. Pema Chodron shows us how we can let go of self-centered worries and become a bodhisattva-warrior. It's the greatest happiness of all. Compassion is threatening to the ego. We might think of it as something warm and soothing, but actually it’s very raw. When we set out to support other beings, when we go so far as to stand in their shoes, when we aspire to never close down to anyone, we quickly find...

Mindful Movements (

Thich Nhat Hanh offers three exercises for well-being. Mindfulness is our ability to be aware of what is going on both inside us and around us. It is the continuous awareness of our bodies, emotions, and thoughts. Through mindfulness, we avoid harming ourselves and others, and we can work wonders. If we live mindfully in everyday life, walk mindfully, are full of love and caring, then we create a miracle and transform the world into a wonderful place. Clarity flows from mindfulness. When we...

Trauma Informed Physical Environments - Assessment Tools

Happy Holidays! In my work with the Greater Richmond Trauma Informed Community Network , I work with organizations on becoming more trauma informed. One of the areas we look at it is how sensitive an organization's physical space is to the needs of those who've experienced trauma and ACES. Is this physical space adding additional stress to an already overwhelmed individual? How is the space promoting psychological as well as physical safety? Are there opportunities in this space to promote...

ACEs Connection Discount for National Conference with Seeking Safety Featured Certificate Training

Advancing Your Professional Development 19th Annual Families and Fathers National 2018 Conference February 19-23, 2018, Los Angeles Sheraton Gateway LAX Hotel 6101 West Century Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90045 We're excited to share with you Special Credentials & Certifications Offered @19th Annual Families and Fathers Conference for the professional journey of others working with children, youth, couples, fathers and take for their own inspiration these six (6) featured...

$100 Million Prize Will Deploy Muppets To The Middle East (

The MacArthur Foundation will give $100 million to Elmo, Big Bird and their buddies to massively scale up early childhood development programs for Syrian refugees Sesame Workshop and the International Rescue Committee won a global competition by the MacArthur Foundation seeking solutions to what the judges called "a critical problem of our time." With this huge grant from the MacArthur Foundation (which also gives to NPR), the IRC and Sesame Workshop plan to launch what they're describing as...

Mindful’s Top 10 Guided Practices of 2017 (

Here are the top 10 most popular guided mindfulness practices from in 2017. You can listen to the tracks embedded below, or follow the link in the title of each practice to see full transcriptions of practice instructions. 1) A 7-minute mindfulness practice to shift out of “doing” mode Noticing self-perpetuating thought patterns is a core mindfulness skill. Take a moment to examine how it feels to disengage from a busy mind and shift into “being” mode with this practice from...

The staff wellness and resilience movement is growing: Two articles provide examples [] []

A year ago, I wrote this blog, urging a shift from focusing primarily on self-care as the antidote to vicarious trauma/secondary traumatic stress to a broader concept of creating cultures of staff wellness and resilience which includes self-care as well as changes in organizational practices, protocols and policy. It is gratifying to see visible progress toward that shift as illustrated by two recent articles. One from the Worcester Telegram about a proposed policy by the Massachusetts...

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