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It's Not Always Depression, Sometimes It's the Holidays

There are many myths and “shoulds” about how families and holidays should be: Families should love each other. Families should get along. Holidays should be fun. Reality, however, does not reflect these “shoulds.” The facts are: many people do not have happy families, happy family memories or happy holidays. Therefore, holidays and families can trigger us into states of anxiety, shame, and misery. Perhaps your parent or child is mean to you, or you have an active alcoholic uncle that makes...

Making Weight: A no-good, lousy year deals me a setback as my fitness effort hits 1,000 days []

I logged onto MyFitness Pal, the app I use to track my daily calorie intake, for the 1,000th day in a row Sunday. I seldom assign great importance to round numbers, but 1,000 days is a long time to do anything. I began logging my calories on March 17, 2015. About the same time, I wrote about my efforts to recover from morbid obesity and managing mental health issues including acute anxiety and chronic depression. [For more on this story by Daniel P. Finney, go to...

Pedestrian Tickets Lead to Hundreds of Suspended Driver’s Licenses []

This story was co-published with the Florida Times-Union. More than half the 2,000 people who received pedestrian tickets in Duval County, Florida, from 2012 to 2016 saw their driver’s licenses suspended or their ability to obtain one limited, according to an analysis by the Florida Times-Union and ProPublica. The tickets, which carry what can seem like a modest $65 fine, can have more significant consequences for those who get them and refuse to pay or are unable to do so. Over five years,...

Fear Compromises The Health, Well-Being Of Immigrant Families, Report Finds []

Luis Ramirez has lived in the U.S. without immigration papers for two decades, but he is more worried about deportation now than ever before. Ramirez said he and his wife, Luz Cadeo, who is also here illegally, have already made plans in case they are arrested by immigration police: The couple, who live in Lakewood, Calif., would try to find work in their native Mexico while their youngest U.S.-born children, ages 15 and 18, stayed in the U.S. with a relative. “We are taking it very...

Why Toddlers Deserve More Respect []

In The Emotional Life of the Toddler , the child-psychology and psychotherapy expert Alicia F. Lieberman details the dramatic triumphs and tribulations of kids ages 1 to 3. Some of her anecdotes make the most commonplace of experiences feel like they should be backed by a cinematic instrumental track. Take Lieberman’s example of what a toddler feels while walking across the living room: “If adults experienced and enacted the full range of feelings available to an average toddler in the...

These Annual Checkups Help Seniors Not Only Survive But Thrive []

Bea Lipsky shuffled into her wellness coach’s office one morning this fall and parked her walker by the wall. Lipsky, 89, had had a trying year, enduring a hernia operation and two emergency room visits for heart problems. She’s losing her hearing, and recently gave up her dream of riding in a hot air balloon for her 90th birthday. That day, though, she was filled with pride: She told her coach she’d achieved her goals for the year, including attending her grandson’s wedding in China. Lipsky...

The Price Black Voters Paid to Defeat Roy Moore []

The narrative around the Doug Jones vs. Roy Moore U.S. Senate race in the days leading up to yesterday’s election was that black people needed to vote at higher rates than normal. African Americans typically do not turn out in large numbers for Alabama elections , especially in off-year races, goes the narrative, and hence Doug Jones needed an unusual surplus of black votes to win. However, as Vann Newkirk pointed out in The Atlantic, what’s left from this narrative is that part of why black...

How to Help Students Believe in Themselves []

“She’s just going to be a maid anyway.” This was the reason given to me by a fifth grade teacher as to why I, a student teacher at the time, shouldn’t give extra help to a child who was working hard to improve her reading. Once my shock at this disturbing statement wore off, I realized that the teacher’s beliefs and assumptions were potentially jeopardizing the quality of life and future aspirations of this student. Bar none, reading skills are essential to life. And while there is...

Make 2018 the Year of Tech Talking ACEs

I will try to do my best to make 2018 the Year of Tech Talking ACEs; that is to facilitate and participate hands-on in the creation of a community producing relevant, usable tech that's supportive to the cause of identifying and preventing ACEs and alleviating the potentially life-long effects of them.

How Athens Confronted Government Distrust by Connecting Citizens to Each Other []

If you took a walk around parts of inner Athens in the years following the 2007-8 financial crisis, you might have been forgiven for assuming the city was in the process of being evacuated. Empty shops and dilapidated buildings gave an impression of abandonment, of people giving up. In fact, at grassroots level, the opposite was true. Crisis may have hit the city hard, but in the immediate aftermath the Greek capital fizzed with hundreds of citizen projects that served in ways large and...

The Small Appalachian City That’s Thriving []

At the end of October, a blue Amtrak train pulled into downtown Roanoke, Virginia, to the sound of applause. This was a big moment. For the first time in nearly 40 years, a passenger train was rolling into this city founded on railroads. The last time Amtrak carried passengers here, in 1979, Roanoke was a different city. Then, the so-called Star City at the eastern gateway to central Appalachia was a blue-collar New South city built around the Norfolk & Western railroad. The city core...

Local services join forces to train the community on Adverse Childhood Experiences []

COOS COUNTY — Childhood trauma effects brain development. Western Oregon Advanced Health is coordinating with an organization dedicated to studying childhood traumas and the resulting effects. Not only is WOAH involved at a local level, but it is helping spread awareness. “Our community is a community that needs to heal itself,” said Kate Frame, the South Coast Regional Early Learning Hub’s home visiting systems coordinator and Adverse Childhood Experience interface master trainer. “We’re...

Resilient Sacramento's DeAngelo Mack: Unsung Hero [Dr. Richard Pan's Unsung Hero]

Congratulations to Resilient Sacramento's DeAngelo Mack for receiving recognition from Senator Dr. Richard Pan as an Unsung Hero! We appreciate all that DeAngelo does for our community through his work with the Sacramento Violence Intervention Program , his creative pursuits and his dedication to the Resilient Sacramento team. To read the full article, go to

Trauma-Informed Organizational Assessments

Hi all** - Attached is a document with a list of trauma-informed organizational assessments that the Greater Richmond TICN has been working on for a while. When we began looking for information about helping organizations to become trauma-informed, we started with searching for assessment measures. We have always started from the place that many organizations and professionals are already doing many things that are trauma-informed and wanted to make sure to assess what areas were presenting...

I NEED to Self-Regulate: Rolling out "The Regulated Classroom"

I am freaking out! My heart is racing, my chest is thumping, my belly is buzzing. Last night I check my list of attendees for my upcoming workshop. It jumped from sixteen to eighteen registrants. I freaked! I was literally scrambling around my kitchen screeching, “18,” “AHH!…18.” “I can’t fit eighteen.” My 10-month old puppy and 10-year old daughter are chasing behind me in frenzied excitement. My daughter is yelling, “mom this is good, your business is growing.” And my husband is sitting in...

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