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Ripe for Juvenile Justice Reform in Arkansas []

This is part one of a two-part series. The number of delinquent youth remanded to the Arkansas Division of Youth Services during the fiscal year that ended in July was the lowest in at least two decades, according to figures recently released by the DYS. Juvenile judges committed 451 youth to state custody in fiscal year 2017 — a 14 percent decrease from 2015, when commitments to the DYS reached 526. The commitment rate does not reflect every youth confined in a facility in Arkansas. It...

STUDY: Trauma May Be Passed Down From Mothers To Daughters []

A new study reveals that the daughters of women exposed to childhood trauma are at increased risk for psychiatric disorders, as compared to their sons who experience no effect. The study also found that there was no effect on children born to men exposed to childhood trauma, The New York Times reports. “The most important takeaway is that childhood trauma can be passed on to offspring,” The lead author, Torsten Santavirta, an associate professor of economics at Uppsala University told The...

Healing Past Trauma in Recovery []

I believe strongly that to stay in recovery we have to deal with underlying issues like past trauma. We have to talk about it to an enlightened witness. We have to write about it and then feel the pain that we usually try to self-medicate. Then we need to accept what happened to us and move on to our new life in recovery. I have gone through this process myself and it has changed my life. The trauma of my past began with my childhood. It consisted of neglect, abandonment, peer rejection,...

Wisconsin childhood trauma data explodes myth of 'not in my small town' []

JANESVILLE – Traffic on Main St. is lazy as Kyle Pucek strolls past tidy homes with wide front porches. “I lost a lot of friends in the last couple years,” Pucek, 41, says matter of factly. He counts 10. A car rolls past and a woman waves at Pucek. The two shout greetings. "That’s Kirsten," Pucek volunteers almost offhandedly, "an ex-heroin addict who’s also in recovery." Pucek grew up with her, and with her fiance, who died of a heroin overdose in 2009. Contacted later, Kirsten Moore added...

Are Police Officers Being Properly Trained to Deal with Hate Crimes? []

To become a police officer in the United States, one almost always has to enroll in an academy for some basic training. The typical academy session lasts 25 weeks, but state governments—which oversee police academies for local and state law enforcement officers—have wide latitude when it comes to choosing the subjects that will be taught in the classrooms. How to properly identify and investigate hate crimes does not seem terribly high on the list of priorities, according to a ProPublica...

How a Bad Mood Affects Empathy in Your Brain [

Bad moods are no fun; but we all get them from time to time. I sometimes feel down reading the news or forgetting to exercise; others may become moody after a setback at work or a fight with their partner. Now, a new study published in Psychophysiology suggests that bad moods seem to impact the neural underpinnings of empathy, as well, with important implications for our relationships. Past research has shown that our neural wiring allows us to experience what another person is...

"Hands on Shoulders"

I am a Rosen Method Movement Teacher and Bodywork Intern. I have been living a Rosen Method Wellness Plan for 12 years. It has taught me Embodied Self-Awareness and allowed me to heal from trauma. Yesterday I was sitting with a group of my friends connecting after a long time. We began by updating each other about our families and work and then moved to the state of our country. My friends were very emotional and one said that she was so disturbed by the state of our country that she was...

How to help children recover from the trauma of disaster []

In any culture, children hit by a natural disaster will see family members undergo huge amounts of stress and worry. They may be forced to live in temporary accommodation, and experience many changes to their usual routines and social circles. And on top of all this, many treasured possessions – including family pets – may be lost or damaged forever. For many children, this can result in high levels of anxiety and emotional trauma . This can inevitably lead to changes in a child’s behaviour,...

Yakima Valley organizations, teachers aim to mitigate effects of adverse childhood experiences []

Ivan Godinez arrived at Sunnyside High School one recent morning in an angry mood, rudely responding to Principal Ryan Maxwell who noticed Godinez was late and asked him if he was going to class. That’s when teacher Felix DeLeon stepped in. “He’s like, ‘Whoa, whoa, whoa.’ He calmed me down,” Godinez said of DeLeon, who immediately took the teen aside and talked with him privately rather than confronting him in anger. A junior, Godinez has attended several Yakima Valley schools, having moved...

3 Ways Emotional Neglect From Childhood Affects Your Adult Emotions []

Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN) is the silent scourge that hangs like a cloud over countless people’s lives, robbing them of the zest, the warmth, and the connection they should be feeling each and every day. Childhood Emotional Neglect happens when your parents (perhaps unintentionally) fail to respond to your emotional needs enough when they are raising you. Yes, that’s all it takes. [For more on this story by Jonice Webb, go to...

Building Children’s Resilience

Genentech is excited to launch a new philanthropic initiative, The Resilience Effect , to address childhood adversity and its long-term effects on health. For more than 40 years, our company has pursued groundbreaking science to improve the lives of people facing serious and life-threatening diseases. That’s why, when we learned about the emerging science behind the effects of toxic stress and the connection between early adverse childhood experiences and diseases later in life, we knew we...

Courts are using the powerful “black robe effect" to treat severe mental illness. Should they? []

On the night of April 29, 2005, Akron, Ohio, police officers found 35-year-old William Hale lying in the doorway of his neighbor’s home, not breathing, unresponsive, and bleeding from several gunshot wounds to the torso. An ambulance rushed Hale to Akron General Hospital, where doctors pronounced him dead at 10:12 pm. The accused shooter, a man I’ll call Buddy, claimed he shot Hale in self-defense. But the Summit County Criminal Court found Buddy guilty of manslaughter and sentenced him to...

How One College Has Set Out to Fix ‘a Culture of Blatant Sexual Harassment’ []

As the #MeToo movement has gathered steam, women have gone public with accusations of sexual misconduct by professors at dozens of colleges. But one institution in particular has faced reproach as a hotbed of abusive behavior. The Berklee College of Music was described in a recent Boston Globe article as having a "a culture of blatant sexual harassment." The Globe’s characterization did not surprise students or faculty members at the college, many of whom said they knew or had heard about...

Early-life stress, especially in war, can have consequences across multiple generations []

The wartime evacuation of Finnish children more than 70 years ago might have been an historical footnote, its cost to human health and happiness lost in the passage of time. More than 70,000 Finnish children were separated from their parents in a frantic rout and whisked away to institutions and foster families in Sweden and Denmark. The aim of this mass migration of unaccompanied children was to shield them from harm, as Finland had become a battleground for clashing Soviet and German...

New Research To Take You From Surviving to Thriving []

Who doesn’t want to be thriving in life?! The real question is: how do you get to there? In a recent study, researchers reviewed what was known about how human beings thrive. They examined personal factors and environmental factors and found that there are certain qualities that contribute to a thriving life. Here I’ll discuss 7 pathways to thriving and the character strengths that support them. [For more on this story by Ryan M. Niemiec, go to...

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